{% include 'imports.html' %}


Hi there! You have {{ bot_count }} bot{% if bot_count != 1 %}s{% endif %}{% if bot_count != 0 %}, {{ active_count }} of which {% if active_count == 1 %}is{% else %}are{% endif %} currently active.{% else %}.{% endif %}

New bot Account settings Sign out

{% for bot in bots %}
{% set handle_list = bot['handle'].split('@') %}
@{{ handle_list[1] }}@{{ handle_list[2] }}
{{ "Online" if bot['enabled'] else "Offline"}}, learning from {{ bot_users[bot['handle']] }} accounts.{% if bot['handle'] in next_posts %} Next post in {{ next_posts[bot['handle']] }} minutes.{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Support the author

FediBooks is a passion project I develop and maintain in my free time. If you'd like to contribute, you can do so here.

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{% include 'footer.html' %}