#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import MySQLdb from mastodon import Mastodon import requests import functions cfg = json.load(open('config.json')) def update_icon(bot): try: db = MySQLdb.connect( host = cfg['db_host'], user=cfg['db_user'], passwd=cfg['db_pass'], db=cfg['db_name'], use_unicode=True, charset="utf8mb4" ) except: print("Failed to connect to database.") return url = "https://{}".format(bot['handle'].split("@")[2]) try: r = requests.head(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects = True) if r.status_code != 200: raise except: print("{} is down - can't update icon for {}.".format(url, handle)) return client = Mastodon( client_id = bot['client_id'], client_secret = bot['client_secret'], access_token = bot['secret'], api_base_url = url ) c = db.cursor() try: avatar = client.account_verify_credentials()['avatar'] except: c.execute("UPDATE bots SET icon_update_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE handle = %s", (bot['handle'],)) db.commit() c.close() return c.execute("UPDATE bots SET icon = %s, icon_update_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE handle = %s", (avatar, bot['handle'])) db.commit() c.close() print("Establishing DB connection") db = MySQLdb.connect( host = cfg['db_host'], user=cfg['db_user'], passwd=cfg['db_pass'], db=cfg['db_name'], use_unicode=True, charset="utf8mb4" ) print("Cleaning up database") # delete any fedi accounts we no longer need cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM fedi_accounts WHERE handle NOT IN (SELECT fedi_id FROM bot_learned_accounts)") db.commit() print("Generating posts") cursor.execute("SELECT handle FROM bots WHERE enabled = TRUE AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, last_post, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) >= post_frequency") # cursor.execute("SELECT handle FROM bots WHERE enabled = TRUE") bots = cursor.fetchall() functions.do_in_pool(functions.make_post, bots, 15) print("Updating cached icons") dc = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) dc.execute(""" SELECT handle, instance_type, client_id, client_secret, secret FROM bots INNER JOIN credentials ON bots.credentials_id = credentials.id WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, icon_update_time, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) > 2""") bots = dc.fetchall() functions.do_in_pool(update_icon, bots) db.commit()