{% include 'imports.html' %}

Add account

{%include 'error.html' %}
{% if session['step'] == 1 %}
{% elif session['step'] == 2 %}

Authentication required

{{ session['instance'] }} requires authentication to view public posts. Ensure you're signed in as {{ session['account'] }}, and click Next. You will be prompted to give FediBooks access to read your posts, which is required for your bot.

{% elif session['step'] == 3 %}

Authentication failure

FediBooks was unable to authenticate with {{ session['instance'] }}.

Click back to try again. If you believe this is in error, you may file a bug report.

{% else %}


An unknown error has occurred.

{% endif %}
Cancel {% if session['step'] != 1 %} Back {% endif %}
{% include 'footer.html' %}