from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, redirect, url_for, send_file from flask_mysqldb import MySQL from mastodon import Mastodon import requests import MySQLdb import bcrypt import json, hashlib, re cfg = json.load(open("config.json")) app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = cfg['secret_key'] app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = cfg['db_host'] app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = cfg['db_name'] app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = cfg['db_user'] app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = cfg['db_pass'] mysql = MySQL(app) scopes = ['write:statuses', 'write:accounts', 'read:accounts', 'read:notifications', 'read:statuses'] @app.route("/") def home(): if 'user_id' in session: session['step'] = 1 c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bots` WHERE user_id = %s", (session['user_id'],)) bot_count = c.fetchone()[0] active_count = None bots = {} bot_users = None if bot_count > 0: c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bots` WHERE user_id = %s AND enabled = TRUE", (session['user_id'],)) active_count = c.fetchone()[0] dc = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) dc.execute("SELECT `handle`, `enabled` FROM `bots` WHERE user_id = %s", (session['user_id'],)) bots = dc.fetchall() dc.close() bot_users = {} for bot in bots: # multiple SELECTS is slow, maybe SELECT all at once and filter with python? c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE bot_id = %s", (bot['handle'],)) bot_users[bot['handle']] = c.fetchone()[0] c.close() return render_template("home.html", bot_count = bot_count, active_count = active_count, bots = bots, bot_users = bot_users) else: return render_template("front_page.html") @app.route("/welcome") def welcome(): return render_template("welcome.html") @app.route("/about") def about(): return render_template("about.html") @app.route("/login") def show_login_page(): return render_template("login.html", signup = False) @app.route("/signup") def show_signup_page(error = None): #TODO: display error if any return render_template("login.html", signup = True) @app.route("/settings") def settings(): return render_template("coming_soon.html") dc = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) dc.execute("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id = %s", (session['user_id'],)) user = dc.fetchone() dc.close() return render_template("settings.html", user = user) @app.route("/bot/edit/") def bot_edit(id): return render_template("coming_soon.html") @app.route("/bot/delete/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def bot_delete(id): if bot_check(id): if request.method == 'GET': instance = id.split("@")[2] return render_template("bot_delete.html", instance = instance) else: # delete bot by deleting its credentials # FK constraint will delete bot c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT `credentials_id` FROM `bots` WHERE `handle` = %s", (id,)) credentials_id = c.fetchone()[0] c.execute("DELETE FROM `credentials` WHERE `id` = %s", (credentials_id,)) c.close() mysql.connection.commit() return redirect(url_for("home"), 303) @app.route("/bot/toggle/") def bot_toggle(id): if bot_check(id): c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE `bots` SET `enabled` = NOT `enabled` WHERE `handle` = %s", (id,)) mysql.connection.commit() c.close() return redirect(url_for("home"), 303) @app.route("/bot/chat/") def bot_chat(id): return render_template("coming_soon.html") @app.route("/bot/blacklist/") def bot_blacklist(id): return render_template("coming_soon.html") @app.route("/bot/accounts/") def bot_accounts(id): if bot_check(id): session['bot'] = id c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `bot_id` = %s", (id,)) user_count = c.fetchone()[0] users = {} if user_count > 0: dc = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) dc.execute("SELECT `fedi_id`, `enabled` FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `bot_id` = %s", (id,)) users = dc.fetchall() dc.close() c.close() return render_template("bot_accounts.html", users = users) @app.route("/bot/accounts/add", methods = ['GET', 'POST']) def bot_accounts_add(): if request.method == 'POST': if session['step'] == 1: # look up user handle_list = request.form['account'].split('@') username = handle_list[1] instance = handle_list[2] # 1. download host-meta to find webfinger URL r = requests.get("https://{}/.well-known/host-meta".format(instance), timeout=10) # 2. use webfinger to find user's info page #TODO: use more reliable method uri ='template="([^"]+)"', r.text).group(1) uri = uri.format(uri = "{}@{}".format(username, instance)) r = requests.get(uri, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, timeout=10) j = r.json() found = False for link in j['links']: if link['rel'] == 'self': #this is a link formatted like "https://instan.ce/users/username", which is what we need uri = link['href'] found = True break if not found: return "Couldn't find a valid ActivityPub outbox URL." # 3. format as outbox URL and check to make sure it works outbox = "{}/outbox?page=true".format(uri) r = requests.get(uri, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, timeout=10) if r.status_code == 200: # success!! c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO `fedi_accounts` (`handle`, `outbox`) VALUES (%s, %s)", (request.form['account'], outbox)) c.execute("INSERT INTO `bot_learned_accounts` (`bot_id`, `fedi_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)", (session['bot'], request.form['account'])) c.close() mysql.connection.commit() return redirect("/bot/accounts/{}".format(session['bot'])) return render_template("bot_accounts_add.html") @app.route("/bot/create/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def bot_create(): #TODO: error handling if request.method == 'POST': if session['step'] == 1: # strip leading https://, if provided session['instance'] = re.match(r"^(?:https?:\/\/)?(.*)", request.form['instance']).group(1) # check for mastodon/pleroma r = requests.get("https://{}/api/v1/instance".format(session['instance']), timeout=10) if r.status_code == 200: j = r.json() if "Pleroma" in j['version']: session['instance_type'] = "Pleroma" session['step'] += 1 else: if 'is_pro' in j['contact_account']: # gab instance session['error'] = "Eat shit and die, fascist scum." else: session['instance_type'] = "Mastodon" session['step'] += 1 else: # not a masto/pleroma instance # misskey is currently unsupported # all other instance types are also unsupported # return an error message #TODO: misskey session['error'] = "Unsupported instance type." elif session['step'] == 2: # nothing needs to be done here, this step just informs the user that their instance type is supported session['step'] += 1 elif session['step'] == 3: # authenticate with the given instance and obtain credentials if session['instance_type'] in ['Mastodon', 'Pleroma']: redirect_uri = '{}/do/authenticate_bot'.format(cfg['base_uri']) session['client_id'], session['client_secret'] = Mastodon.create_app( "FediBooks", api_base_url="https://{}".format(session['instance']), scopes=scopes, redirect_uris=[redirect_uri], website=cfg['base_uri'] ) client = Mastodon( client_id=session['client_id'], client_secret=session['client_secret'], api_base_url="https://{}".format(session['instance']) ) url = client.auth_request_url(client_id=session['client_id'], redirect_uris=redirect_uri, scopes=scopes) return redirect(url, code=303) elif session['instance_type'] == 'Misskey': # todo pass else: # the user clicked next on step 2 while having an unsupported instance type # take them back to step 1 del session['instance'] del session['instance_type'] session['step'] = 1 return bot_create() else: if session['step'] == 4: try: # test authentication client = Mastodon(client_id=session['client_id'], client_secret=session['client_secret'], api_base_url=session['instance']) session['secret'] = client.log_in(code = session['code'], scopes=scopes, redirect_uri='{}/do/authenticate_bot'.format(cfg['base_uri'])) username = client.account_verify_credentials()['username'] handle = "@{}@{}".format(username, session['instance']) except: # authentication error occurred return render_template("bot_oauth_error.html") # authentication success!! c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO `credentials` (client_id, client_secret, secret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (session['client_id'], session['client_secret'], session['code'])) credentials_id = c.lastrowid mysql.connection.commit() c.execute("INSERT INTO `bots` (handle, user_id, credentials_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (handle, session['user_id'], credentials_id)) mysql.connection.commit() c.close() # clean up unneeded variables del session['code'] del session['instance'] del session['instance_type'] del session['client_id'] del session['client_secret'] return render_template("bot_create.html") @app.route("/bot/create/back") def bot_create_back(): session['step'] -= 1 return redirect(url_for("bot_create"), 303) @app.route("/do/authenticate_bot") def do_authenticate_bot(): session['code'] = request.args.get('code') session['step'] = 4 return redirect(url_for("bot_create"), 303) @app.route("/do/signup", methods=['POST']) def do_signup(): # email validation is basically impossible without actually sending an email to the address # because fedibooks can't send email yet, we'll just check if the string contains an @ ;) if "@" not in request.form['email']: return show_signup_page("Invalid email address.") if len(request.form['password']) < 8: return show_signup_page("Password too short.") pw_hashed = hashlib.sha256(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8')).digest() pw = bcrypt.hashpw(pw_hashed, bcrypt.gensalt(12)) # try to sign up c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO `users` (email, password) VALUES (%s, %s)", (request.form['email'], pw)) user_id = c.lastrowid mysql.connection.commit() c.close() # success! session['user_id'] = user_id return redirect(url_for('home')) @app.route("/do/signout") def do_signout(): session.clear() return redirect(url_for("home")) @app.route("/do/login", methods=['POST']) def do_login(): pw_hashed = hashlib.sha256(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8')).digest() c = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s", (request.form['email'],)) data = c.fetchone() c.close() if bcrypt.checkpw(pw_hashed, data['password']): session['user_id'] = data['id'] return redirect(url_for("home")) else: return "invalid login" @app.route("/img/bot_generic.png") def img_bot_generic(): return send_file("static/bot_generic.png", mimetype="image/png") def bot_check(bot): c = mysql.connection.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bots` WHERE `handle` = %s AND `user_id` = %s", (bot, session['user_id'])) return c.fetchone()[0] == 1