#!/usr/bin/env python3 import MySQLdb from multiprocessing import Pool import json import functions cfg = json.load(open('config.json')) print("Establishing DB connection") db = MySQLdb.connect( host = cfg['db_host'], user=cfg['db_user'], passwd=cfg['db_pass'], db=cfg['db_name'] ) print("Cleaning up database") # delete any fedi accounts we no longer need cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM fedi_accounts WHERE handle NOT IN (SELECT fedi_id FROM bot_learned_accounts)") print("Generating posts") cursor.execute("SELECT handle FROM bots WHERE enabled = TRUE AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, last_post, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) > post_frequency") bots = cursor.fetchall() with Pool(cfg['service_threads']) as p: p.map(functions.make_post, bots) #TODO: other cron tasks should be done here, like updating profile pictures