
502 lines
17 KiB

from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, redirect, url_for, send_file
from flask_mysqldb import MySQL
from mastodon import Mastodon
import requests
import MySQLdb
import bcrypt
import json, hashlib, re
import functions
from pages.home import home
from pages.settings import settings
from pages.bot.edit import bot_edit
cfg = json.load(open("config.json"))
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = cfg['secret_key']
app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = cfg['db_host']
app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = cfg['db_name']
app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = cfg['db_user']
app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = cfg['db_pass']
mysql = MySQL(app)
scopes = ['write:statuses', 'write:accounts', 'read:accounts', 'read:notifications', 'read:statuses', 'push']
scopes_pleroma = ['read', 'write', 'push']
def login_check():
if request.path not in ['/', '/about', '/welcome', '/login', '/signup', '/do/login', '/do/signup', '/static/style.css'] and not request.path.startswith("/push"):
# page requires authentication
if 'user_id' not in session:
return redirect(url_for('home'))
def render_home():
return home(mysql)
def welcome():
return render_template("welcome.html")
def about():
return render_template("about.html")
def show_login_page():
return render_template("login.html", signup = False, error = session.pop('error', None))
def show_signup_page():
return render_template("login.html", signup = True, error = session.pop('error', None))
@app.route("/settings", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def render_settings():
return settings(mysql)
@app.route("/bot/edit/<id>", methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def render_bot_edit(id):
return bot_edit(id, mysql)
@app.route("/bot/delete/<id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def bot_delete(id):
if bot_check(id):
if request.method == 'GET':
instance = id.split("@")[2]
return render_template("bot/delete.html", instance = instance)
# delete bot by deleting its credentials
# FK constraint will delete bot
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT `credentials_id` FROM `bots` WHERE `handle` = %s", (id,))
credentials_id = c.fetchone()[0]
c.execute("DELETE FROM `credentials` WHERE `id` = %s", (credentials_id,))
return redirect(url_for("home"), 303)
def bot_toggle(id):
if bot_check(id):
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE `bots` SET `enabled` = NOT `enabled` WHERE `handle` = %s", (id,))
return redirect(url_for("home"), 303)
def bot_chat(id):
return render_template("coming_soon.html")
def bot_blacklist(id):
return render_template("coming_soon.html")
def bot_accounts(id):
if bot_check(id):
session['bot'] = id
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `bot_id` = %s", (id,))
user_count = c.fetchone()[0]
users = {}
post_count = {}
if user_count > 0:
dc = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
dc.execute("SELECT `fedi_id`, `enabled` FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `bot_id` = %s", (id,))
users = dc.fetchall()
post_count = {}
for user in users:
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `fedi_id` = %s", (user['fedi_id'],))
post_count[user['fedi_id']] = c.fetchone()[0]
return render_template("bot/accounts.html", users = users, post_count = post_count)
@app.route("/bot/accounts/add", methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def bot_accounts_add():
if request.method == 'POST':
if session['step'] == 1:
if request.form['account'] == session['bot']:
error = "Bots cannot learn from themselves."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
# look up user
handle_list = request.form['account'].split('@')
if len(handle_list) != 3:
# not formatted correctly
error = "Incorrectly formatted handle."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
username = handle_list[1]
instance = handle_list[2]
# gab check
r = requests.get("https://{}/api/v1/instance".format(instance), timeout=10)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
error = "Couldn't connect to {}.".format(instance)
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
error = "An unknown error occurred."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
if r.status_code == 200:
j = r.json()
if 'contact_account' in j and 'is_pro' in j['contact_account']:
# gab instance
error = "Gab instances are not supported."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
# 1. download host-meta to find webfinger URL
r = requests.get("https://{}/.well-known/host-meta".format(instance), timeout=10)
if r.status_code != 200:
error = "Couldn't get host-meta."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
# 2. use webfinger to find user's info page
#TODO: use more reliable method
uri = re.search(r'template="([^"]+)"', r.text).group(1)
uri = uri.format(uri = "{}@{}".format(username, instance))
error = "Couldn't find WebFinger URL."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
r = requests.get(uri, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, timeout=10)
j = r.json()
error = "Invalid WebFinger response."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
found = False
for link in j['links']:
if link['rel'] == 'self':
#this is a link formatted like "https://instan.ce/users/username", which is what we need
uri = link['href']
found = True
if not found:
error = "Couldn't find a valid ActivityPub outbox URL."
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
# 3. format as outbox URL and check to make sure it works
outbox = "{}/outbox?page=true".format(uri)
r = requests.get(uri, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, timeout=10)
if r.status_code == 200:
# success!!
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("REPLACE INTO `fedi_accounts` (`handle`, `outbox`) VALUES (%s, %s)", (request.form['account'], outbox))
c.execute("INSERT INTO `bot_learned_accounts` (`bot_id`, `fedi_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)", (session['bot'], request.form['account']))
return redirect("/bot/accounts/{}".format(session['bot']), 303)
error = "Couldn't access ActivityPub outbox. {} may require authenticated fetches, which FediBooks doesn't support yet.".format(instance)
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = error)
# new account add request
session['step'] = 1
return render_template("bot/accounts_add.html", error = session.pop('error', None))
def bot_accounts_toggle(id):
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE `bot_learned_accounts` SET `enabled` = NOT `enabled` WHERE `fedi_id` = %s AND `bot_id` = %s", (id, session['bot']))
return redirect("/bot/accounts/{}".format(session['bot']), 303)
@app.route("/bot/accounts/delete/<id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def bot_accounts_delete(id):
if request.method == 'GET':
instance = id.split("@")[2]
return render_template("bot/accounts_delete.html", user = id, instance = instance)
#NOTE: when user credential support is added, we'll need to delete the creds too
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("DELETE FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `fedi_id` = %s AND bot_id = %s", (id, session['bot']))
# check to see if anyone else is learning from this account
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bot_learned_accounts` WHERE `fedi_id` = %s", (id,))
if c.fetchone()[0] == 0:
# nobody else learns from this account, remove it from the db
c.execute("DELETE FROM `fedi_accounts` WHERE `handle` = %s", (id,))
return redirect("/bot/accounts/{}".format(session['bot']), 303)
@app.route("/bot/create/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def bot_create():
if request.method == 'POST':
if session['step'] == 1:
# strip leading https://, if provided
session['instance'] = re.match(r"^(?:https?:\/\/)?(.*)", request.form['instance']).group(1)
# check for mastodon/pleroma
r = requests.get("https://{}/api/v1/instance".format(session['instance']), timeout=10)
except requests.ConnectionError:
session['error'] = "Couldn't connect to https://{}.".format(session['instance'])
return render_template("bot/create.html", error = session.pop('error', None))
session['error'] = "An unknown error occurred while trying to load https://{}".format(session['instance'])
return render_template("bot/create.html", error = session.pop('error', None))
if r.status_code == 200:
j = r.json()
if "Pleroma" in j['version']:
session['instance_type'] = "Pleroma"
session['step'] += 1
if 'contact_account' in j and 'is_pro' in j['contact_account']:
# gab instance
session['error'] = "Gab instances are not supported."
session['instance_type'] = "Mastodon"
session['step'] += 1
# not a masto/pleroma instance
# misskey is currently unsupported
# all other instance types are also unsupported
# return an error message
#TODO: misskey
session['error'] = "Unsupported instance type. Misskey support is planned."
elif session['step'] == 2:
# nothing needs to be done here, this step just informs the user that their instance type is supported
session['step'] += 1
elif session['step'] == 3:
# authenticate with the given instance and obtain credentials
if session['instance_type'] in ['Mastodon', 'Pleroma']:
redirect_uri = '{}/do/authenticate_bot'.format(cfg['base_uri'])
session['client_id'], session['client_secret'] = Mastodon.create_app(
scopes=scopes if session['instance_type'] == 'Mastodon' else scopes_pleroma,
client = Mastodon(
url = client.auth_request_url(
scopes=scopes if session['instance_type'] == 'Mastodon' else scopes_pleroma
return redirect(url, code=303)
elif session['instance_type'] == 'Misskey':
# todo
# the user clicked next on step 2 while having an unsupported instance type
# take them back home
del session['instance']
del session['instance_type']
session['step'] = 1
return redirect(url_for("home"), 303)
if 'step' in session and session['step'] == 4:
# test authentication
client = Mastodon(client_id=session['client_id'], client_secret=session['client_secret'], api_base_url=session['instance'])
session['secret'] = client.log_in(
code = session['code'],
scopes=scopes if session['instance_type'] == 'Mastodon' else scopes_pleroma,
username = client.account_verify_credentials()['username']
handle = "@{}@{}".format(username, session['instance'])
# authentication error occurred
error = "Authentication failed."
session['step'] = 3
return render_template("bot/create.html", error = error)
# authentication success!!
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO `credentials` (client_id, client_secret, secret) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (session['client_id'], session['client_secret'], session['secret']))
credentials_id = c.lastrowid
# get webpush url
privated, publicd = client.push_subscription_generate_keys()
private = privated['privkey']
public = publicd['pubkey']
secret = privated['auth']
client.push_subscription_set("{}/push/{}".format(cfg['base_uri'], handle), publicd, mention_events = True)
c.execute("INSERT INTO `bots` (handle, user_id, credentials_id, push_public_key, push_private_key, push_secret, instance_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (handle, session['user_id'], credentials_id, public, private, secret, session['instance_type']))
# clean up unneeded variables
del session['code']
del session['instance']
del session['instance_type']
del session['client_id']
del session['client_secret']
# user is starting a new bot create request
session['step'] = 1
return render_template("bot/create.html", error = session.pop('error', None))
def bot_create_back():
session['step'] -= 1
return redirect(url_for("bot_create"), 303)
def do_authenticate_bot():
session['code'] = request.args.get('code')
session['step'] = 4
return redirect(url_for("bot_create"), 303)
@app.route("/push/<id>", methods = ['POST'])
def push(id):
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT client_id, client_secret, secret FROM credentials WHERE id = (SELECT credentials_id FROM bots WHERE handle = %s)", (id,))
login = c.fetchone()
client = Mastodon(
client_id = login[0],
client_secret = login[1],
access_token = login[2],
api_base_url = "https://{}".format(id.split("@")[2])
c.execute("SELECT push_private_key, push_secret, replies_enabled FROM bots WHERE handle = %s", (id,))
bot = c.fetchone()
if not bot[2]:
return "Replies disabled."
params = {
'privkey': int(bot[0].rstrip("\0")),
'auth': bot[1]
push_object = client.push_subscription_decrypt_push(request.data, params, request.headers['Encryption'], request.headers['Crypto-Key'])
notification = client.notifications(id = push_object['notification_id'])
me = client.account_verify_credentials()['id']
# first, check how many times the bot has posted in this thread.
# if it's over 15, don't reply.
# this is to stop endless reply chains between two bots.
context = client.status_context(notification['status']['id'])
my_posts = 0
for post in context['ancestors']:
if post['account']['id'] == me:
my_posts += 1
if my_posts >= 15:
# don't reply
return "Didn't reply."
# failed to fetch context
# assume we haven't been participating in this thread
functions.make_post([id, notification['status']['id'], notification['status']['visibility'], "@" + notification['account']['acct']])
return "Success!"
@app.route("/do/signup", methods=['POST'])
def do_signup():
# email validation is basically impossible without actually sending an email to the address
# because fedibooks can't send email yet, we'll just check if the string contains an @ ;)
if "@" not in request.form['email']:
session['error'] = "Invalid email address."
return redirect(url_for("show_signup_page"), 303)
if len(request.form['password']) < 8:
session['error'] = "Password too short."
return redirect(url_for("show_signup_page"), 303)
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE email = %s", (request.form['email'],))
if c.fetchone()[0] > 0:
session['error'] = "Email address already in use."
return redirect(url_for("show_signup_page"), 303)
pw_hashed = hashlib.sha256(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8')).digest().replace(b"\0", b"\1")
pw = bcrypt.hashpw(pw_hashed, bcrypt.gensalt(12))
# try to sign up
c.execute("INSERT INTO `users` (email, password) VALUES (%s, %s)", (request.form['email'], pw))
user_id = c.lastrowid
# success!
session['user_id'] = user_id
return redirect(url_for('home'))
def do_signout():
return redirect(url_for("home"))
@app.route("/do/login", methods=['POST'])
def do_login():
pw_hashed = hashlib.sha256(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8')).digest().replace(b"\0", b"\1")
c = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s", (request.form['email'],))
data = c.fetchone()
if data == None:
session['error'] = "Incorrect login information."
return redirect(url_for("show_login_page"), 303)
if bcrypt.checkpw(pw_hashed, data['password']):
session['user_id'] = data['id']
return redirect(url_for("home"))
session['error'] = "Incorrect login information."
return redirect(url_for("show_login_page"), 303)
def report_bug():
return render_template("report_bug.html")
def help_settings():
return render_template("help/settings.html")
def img_bot_generic():
return send_file("static/bot_generic.png", mimetype="image/png")
def favicon():
return send_file("static/favicon.ico")
def bot_check(bot):
# check to ensure bot is owned by user
c = mysql.connection.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bots` WHERE `handle` = %s AND `user_id` = %s", (bot, session['user_id']))
return c.fetchone()[0] == 1