CHANGELOG Really minor things (fixing typos, adding comments, minor restructures) aren't mentioned. Alpha 0.1 - Genesis Initial version! Reading files Writing files Alpha 0.2 - The Basics Support for displaying directories Rudimentary encoding support Scaling fixes Alpha 0.3 - Cementing the Basics Complete (I think) encoding support Full directory support! UI enhancements Started working on settings Alpha 0.4 - The Big One Fixed numerous bugs related to file deletion (both internal and external) Made Save As open the saved file after saving Made "Change font size" options work Added shortcuts for deleting files and for refreshing the file picker Made font-change shortcuts work "Couldn't detect encoding" message boxes have been replaced with a much less obtrusive warning in the bottom-left Changed Save As from Ctrl-Alt-S to Ctrl-Shift-S (because Ctrl-Alt-S opens a System Information dialogue on my Spectre) (Suggested by Pet!) Fixed issue where filepicker without scrollbar caused text to overflow from window (Spotted by Pet) Fixed issue where deleting a file, or opening a new directory, followed by clicking on blank space in the file picker, would cause a crash (Pet) Added insert time/date functionality Alpha 0.5 - When Things got *Really* Serious Settings dialogue reads settings, but can't write them yet (It's 0049 and I'm tired) Cleaned up changelog ;p Added supported for 3 tiers of notifications Changed font size changing mechanics, and made it into a dropdown instead of a split button Moved notifications to the right-hand side, because avoiding text jumping around is more important than making sure they're visible in narrow windows (I think) Added a FIFO queue for notifications! Fixed an issue where the filepicker would be much too wide on low DPI screens Added first settings tooltip Created a form for theme customisation Added file size and creation date info to the file info dialogue Alpha 0.6 - Tweaks and Features (Partial) THEME SUPPORT! So far, saving is not supported. Themes can be edited, but not saved. Theme support was sorta Pet's idea (she thought it would be cool to be able to modify the night mode's colours, I took it from there) Added a form to change supported file extensions Added support for extensions other than txt Replaced night mode toggle with support for 3 customisable themes Added a directory watch feature. If any files in the base directory are deleted/renamed/created, the filepicker will automatically refresh. Fixed some rather nasty bugs related to the directory watcher Implemented a Find feature! However, when the textbox has been scrolled to the bottom, each click of the "next" button causes it to jump one line up or down. Alpha 0.7 - The Theme Update Themes are now saved and remembered between sessions! Fixed a possible bug where changing directories would not update the directory watcher All options in the settings menu now have tooltips Settings now save (Very) small speed optimisations HUGE speed increase to saving, restoring it to Alpha 0.5 speed. The directory watcher refreshed the file list over and over again while saving, and saving could take anywhere up to three seconds! Added a warning that displays if you try to exit or change file without saving your changes Alpha 0.8 - Serious Business Fixed an issue where using UNC paths would break upon going up a level Converted the changelog from a .vb file to a .txt file, which is what it should've been all along Moved a fair amount of functions into Extensions.vb so they can be accessed globally, which means less reinvention of the wheel Added a form for editing the preset directories, I'll work on it when it's not 0340 Added in the default colours for the standard theme. Fuck this, I'm going to sleep. See you in 0.9! Alpha 0.9 - It's the Little Things Fixed a bug that caused notification theme settings not to be displayed in the theme previewer Fixed bugs related to theme saving and loading Added and implemented restoration of default themes Started work on status bar options Alpha 0.10 - Slow Day Status bar options are now fully implemented Minor code cleanups here and there [I thought I was going to sleep at this point, but my sleep schedule is already fucked badly, so I didn't] Removed debug code in Find dialogue Started work on replace (as in find & replace) dialogue Added an option to highlight all instances of the find string. Sleep is for the weak. Copied the highlight all code over to the replace dialogue. It's 0258, and I think I'll start being healthy and going to sleep before 0300, so I'm out. Alpha 0.11 - Fulfilling Promises Fixed a bug that caused the find dialogue to count, but ignore the last character of the file when searching Fixed a bug that made NPU fail to load the user's settings if an error occurred during startup Implemented "Match Case" and "Whole Word" for the find and replace dialogues! Fixed a bug that arose when the File Picker automatically reselected the file you were working on. If the file had unsaved changes, you would be asked to save those changes or discard them and reload from the disk, instead of just keeping them in memory. Thanks to Pet for telling me. Replace dialogue is now capable of replacing Duplication support NPU now prevents you from going up from the root directory of a given path Files can now be right-clicked in the sidebar, presenting the user with options to delete or reveal the file Alpha 0.12 - Some Semblance of Professionalism Printing support! Added a placeholder(?) icon Added a shitty licence to stop people stealing the glorious, mountainous revenue I expect to make ($0.00) from this one-of-a-kind, expertly written divine experience in the form of a beautiful piece of perfect software. The licence, named with the exceptionally witty and clever title of "Lynnecence 1.0", is pretty much MPL's chill, unemployed cousin who lets you do irresponsible stuff while still worrying about you File loading is now asynchronous, and there's even a dandy little progress bar! Added a warning message for when a file takes more than 10 seconds to load Fixed a crash upon right-clicking on empty space in the File Picker (thanks Pet) Sorted TODO in Changelog.txt by importance (in my opinion) Added PostSharp ( because I just discovered that you can add PostSharp Alpha 0.13 - The THICC Update Added a splash screen! Started working on handling "Open with" Fixed a bug where anything typed the first second after saving a file would be deleted Files save more quickly Fixed a bug that caused the title bar to end up like "Notepad Ultra: file.txt (Unsaved) (Unsaved) (Unsaved) (Unsaved) (Unsaved)" when saving the same file multiple times Open With now works, probably! ~u0 You can now no longer get info, duplicate, or delete files that don't yet exist Removed PostSharp because I decided to make my own undo function because I'm hardcore and doesn't afraid of anything UNDO SUPPORT! \0u0/ Partial undo settings support! Changed a few " "s in the changelog to tabs Beta 0.1 - General Use, Maybe? Default file open settings are now used Updated the icon to reflect beta state Added a changelog viewer to the About menu Finally added the most important feature: The "about" dialogue has a cool light display! And just in time for Christmas, too! ;p Disabled pasting of rich text (I didn't realise it was enabled) because Notepad Ultra isn't meant to replace WordPad Lots of little changes! Beta 0.2 - User Friendlier Improved saving of new files Fixed a crash when using the find operation Removed Unix2Dos dependency, increasing speed and reliability while reducing file size! 0u0 Renamed RemoveEnding to RemoveLast Main window is now titled "file.txt - Notepad Ultra" instead of "Notepad Ultra: file.txt" Fixed a bug that made changing supported extensions not work [NOTE: Development will be slowing down from now own, i'm working on some private projects ~u0] Beta 0.3 - Can she fix it? Yes she can! (So much for development slowing down...) Fixed another bug related to supported extensions Slight code improvements Prevented removal of the txt file extension Page setup When closing with an unsaved new file, the prompt read 'Save changes made to ""?', which has been replaced with 'Save changes made to new file?' Automatic insertion of bullet points (and dashes) is now possible! Added a button to toggle overtype Rearranged the file menu Removed the border around the text file holder Added the border back, because it looks terrible if your filepicker doesn't have a scrollbar (thanks pet) Fixed yet /another/ bug related to supported extensions Fixed a crash that would occur when you opened, closed, and reopened the settings dialogue Fixed some inconsistencies between spaces and tabs in some files Fixed a bug where cancelling the open file dialogue would leave NPU running in the background If your working directory cannot be found when you open a passed file, disable the copy and move options rather than the set directory option Fixed a bug that caused npu to close half a second after opening a passed file because I'm an idiot Fixed a stupid, stupid bug with the GetFileExtension() function because I'm a moron Fixed many a bug related to opening passed files Updated Extensions.vb with the latest version from another classic Lynnear Software title, "Waifu2X GUI" Commented the FUCK out of the main file! Now this is my idea of a fun Saturday night! And by night, I mean 0243! Beta 0.4 - Out, damned bug! If a file fails to load, instead of freezing the program and requiring a taskkill (or similar), it resets to the default state Updated the "copyright" to say 2017 Removed pointless rgbColour function Fixed many, many bugs and inefficiencies with automatic bullets Also, automatic bullets now have an additional space behind them, to make them neater! Fixed bugs with undo Undo limit now defaults to 50 instead of 10, and is capped at 500 instead of 100 (unlimited is still available). Memory is cheap! ;p Instead of defaulting to my personal text files folder on first run, npu now defaults to the user's documents folder! Removed a goto statement of very questionable necessity Trying to open directories that you can't open (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\) no longer crashes npu Theme editor's "Copy" buttons now work! Fixed inconsistencies with sizing Implemented a rather icky fix for auto bullets causing a crash when word wrap was on Beta 0.5 - The Breddy Gud Update Now supports renaming files! Also, added move functionality! Some cheeky DPI fixes Default theme buttons! Rearranged theme customisation UI slightly Redo is now Ctrl Y as it should be, and, not Ctrl Shift Z. Th-thanks, Microsoft Fixed a small issue with the redraw function causing the text file holder to slightly overlap the status bar if the sidebar was hidden Fixed a bug where trying to print without an installed printer would cause a crash, maybe? Fixed an issue that caused newly moved/renamed files to be treated as new files Beta 0.6 - The PHP Era Files can be renamed via the right click menu Right click menu no longer works on currently open item (intentional) Find & replace is now the standard Ctrl H, not Ctrl G Updated the "copyright" on the about page Beta 0.7 - Unfuckery Right click menu works on currently open item ~u0 Added wiki link to about box Added a cancel option to the "Save changes before closing?" dialogue Very minor corrections Clicking a notification now dismisses it and shows the next one rather than just turning it invisible and still having it be there Working on fixing a bug that I can't reproduce within the debugger that causes NPU to crash when closing an unsaved file NPU no longer clears the clipboard on exit Files save faster now Removed "no compatible files" notification Added "Use notepad.exe" button to open passed file dialogue (In addition to Relocate/Move/Copy) File extensions are now case insensitive TODO: Custom path quick links! Fix weird "Replace All" behaviour Implement undo settings Handle being located in Program Files, or anywhere else where you need admin for everything Resizeable sidebar? Show ellipses if name in filepicker is too long? Encryption? Make it so that you can't use NPU while any settings dialogues are open Export/Import themes Occasionally crashes on exit. Replicate, debug, fix COMMITS: Style commit messages like this [VERSION], [TRADEMARK WITTY DIALOGUE]. New/Changed: [NEW STUFF]. Fixed: [FIXES]. Removed: [REMOVED STUFF].