Snootalogue === A webapp for categorising, sharing and searching documents. Not at all ready for production in its current state. ## Dependencies You need the *ASP.NET Core Runtime* to run Snootalogue - the *.NET Core Runtime* on its own is not enough. The [.NET 3.1 download page]( provides links to the installers you'll need. Note that **no binaries are currently provided**, so you'll need to build Snootalogue yourself (see the Developing section below). ## Developing [Visual Studio Code]( provides great C# integration. Ensure you've installed the [.NET Core SDK]( (not just the runtime) and the [Visual Studio Code C# Extension](, and you'll be good to go. ### Testing Snootalogue runs on port **5000**, so make sure you don't have anything currently using that port. ```bash git clone cd Snootalogue if ! which dotnet-ef; then dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef; fi dotnet ef database update dotnet run ```