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2019-04-20 17:36:10 +00:00
'BEGIN LICENCE "Lynnecence V1"
'1. pls no bully
'2. don't pass this software off as your own (covered by clause 1)
' a. also, don't sell this software (also covered by clause 1)
'3. if you decide to modify this for others to use, note the following:
' a. you must change the name and the icon (idk why you'd even want to keep the icon)
' b. you must express that the initial version is called violet and is made by lynnear software, and provide a link to the original
' c. feel free to include the original credits, you don't have to though
' d. use whatever licence you want for your version
' e. i'd appreciate being notified of the modified version's existence, but it's not necessary to do so. if you do want to, email me at
'4. if you modify it for personal use, then go ahead and do whatever you want, but you still can't sell it
'5. feel free to rehost this, but provide a link to the original location
'6. if something is technically allowed by the licence, but it is against the spirit of the licence, don't do it (also covered by clause 1)
'7. you can't hold me liable if there's damages or whatever (unless you are pet)
'if you feel that this licence is too stupid/vague/memeish, use MPL 2.0 instead since that's pretty much what i was going for (sans the whole "YOU MUST INHERIT THIS LICENCE" rubbish)
'it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you enable word wrap!
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Engine
Shared You, Her As Character
Dim WidthToSet As Integer
Dim HorninessEffects As Dictionary(Of Integer, String) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim Butotns(5) As Button
Dim CurrentEvent As String
Dim VagooSynonyms() As String = {"vagoo", "vagoo", "snatch", "twat", "cunt", "pussy", "pussy"}
Dim CutesyVagooSynonyms() As String = {"vagoo", "pussy"}
Dim BenisSynonyms() As String = {"cock", "cock", "cock", "cock", "dick", "dick"}
Dim HugeSynonyms() As String = {"massive", "enormous", "huge", "gigantic"}
Dim TinySynonyms() As String = {"tiny", "small", "minuscule"}
Dim CuteSynonyms() As String = {"cute", "adorable", "sweet", "pretty"}
Dim SexySynonyms() As String = {"sexy", "hot", "attractive"}
Dim RestOfFormWidth, RestOfFormHeight As Integer
Dim MoreActions As ListBox
Private Sub Engine_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Dim ass As Integer
'For i = 1 To 1000
' If RAO({True, False}) Then
' ass += 1
' End If
MinimumSize = Size
You = Lynne 'temp
Her = Aradia 'also temp
Her.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" 'teeemp
'You = Aradia
'Her = Lynne
'You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis"
You.Status.WearingBra = True
You.Status.WearingPanties = True
If (Not You.Genitals.HasBoth) Then
If You.Genitals.HasVagina Then You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina" Else You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis"
End If
'If You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness > 2 Then MsgBox("Sloot alert!")
ChangeHorniness(True, 0)
For i = 0 To 4
Butotns(i) = Controls("ActionButton" & i + 1)
CurrentEvent = "StoryBeginning"
SetStoryBoxText("<this should not appear ever>You've just gotten out of bed. Last night, [P] gave you the most amazing sex you've had in a long time. Just thinking about it gets you a little " & RAO({"turned on", "horny", "flustered"}) & ".[NL]Noticing that you've left the bed, [P] rolls over and greets you with a sleepy [Q]Good morning, [PN]![Q].[NL]You can't help but smile at how cute she looks with bed head. Her " & If(Her.Basics.Hair.Wavy, "wavy ", RandomArrayObject({"beautiful ", "lovely "})) & Her.Basics.Hair.Colour & " hair is a total mess." & If(Her.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" And Her.Genitals.Penis.Length > 4, "[HS][NL][NL]You notice " & If(Her.Genitals.Penis.Length > 7, RAO({"a large", "an obvious", "an alluringly large"}), RAO({"a small", "a slight", "a subtle"})) & RAO({" bump", " tent-shaped bump"}) & " in the bedsheets." & If(You.Sexuality.Horniness.Frequency >= 3, " [HM]You bite your bottom lip and feel a slight warmth between your legs as " & RAO({"you visualise your girlfriend's ", "your mind treats you to an assortment of images of [P]'s", "you feel a modest yearning for [P]'s"}) & " " & If(Her.Genitals.Penis.Length > 7, RAO(HugeSynonyms) & " ", "") & RAO(BenisSynonyms) & ". [P] giggles when she catches you staring" & If(You.Personality.Tsundere >= 2, ", causing you to blush and look away quickly.", "."), If(Her.Genitals.Penis.Length > 7, "You find yourself ever so slightly turned on by this. Her cock is just so big...", "It's a sight you've grown accustomed to after spending so much time with her.")), "<text to display if partner has a vagoo>") & "[NL][NL]You are currently wearing a bra and a pair of panties. You have a pretty bad case of bed head." & If(You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness > 3 And You.Sexuality.Horniness.Frequency > 3 And You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagoo", "[NL]You notice that your " & RAO(CutesyVagooSynonyms) & " is a little wet. You must have had a very good dream.", ""), 0, {"Arouse yourself", "Cuddle with [P]<bed>", "Make breakfast", If(Her.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" And Her.Genitals.Penis.Length > 4, "Get [P] off<reword this>", "")}, 250)
If Her.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" Then Her.Status.Horniness = 200
'SetStoryBoxText("PASTE_TEXT_TO_TEST!", 10, {"Arouse yourself"}, 500, False, 500, False)
'MsgBox(BothInto("anus", False))
End Sub
Public Function GetPartnerHorninessEffect(Effect As String)
For i = 0 To PartnerHorninessEffects.Items.Count - 1
If PartnerHorninessEffects.Items(i).ToString = Effect Then Return True
Return False
End Function
Public Sub SetPartnerHorninessEffect(Effect As String)
End Sub
Public Sub SetOptions(Options() As String)
For i = 0 To 4
Butotns(i).Visible = False
For i = 0 To Options.Count - 1
Butotns(i).Visible = True
Butotns(i).Text = Regex.Replace(Options(i).Replace("[P]", Her.FirstName).Replace("[Y]", You.FirstName), "<[\w\s,.!\?'=:;"" \\|/\-0-9]*>", "")
Butotns(i).Tag = Options(i).ToLower
If Butotns(i).Text = "" Then Butotns(i).Visible = False
'ToolTipSlut.SetToolTip(Butotns(i), Butotns(i).Text)
End Sub
Public Sub Redraw() Handles Me.Resize, Me.ResizeBegin, Me.ResizeEnd
If RestOfFormHeight = 0 Then
RestOfFormHeight = Height - StoryBox.Height
RestOfFormWidth = Width - StoryBox.Width
StoryBox.Height = Height - RestOfFormHeight
StoryBox.Width = Width - RestOfFormWidth
StoryBoxContainer.Width = StoryBox.Width + 2
StoryBoxContainer.Height = StoryBox.Height + 2
PartnerBox.Left = Width - PartnerBox.Width - 27
For i = 0 To 4
Butotns(i).Top = Height - Butotns(i).Height * 2 - 17
MoreButton.Top = Butotns(0).Top
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetStoryBoxText(Text As String, MinutesTaken As Integer, ButtonActions() As String, HorninessChange As Integer, Optional HorninessIncrease As Boolean = True, Optional PartnerHorninessChange As Integer = 0, Optional PartnerHorninessIncrease As Boolean = True) 'my snicere aplogies
'[P] = Her.Name
'[Y] = You.Name
'[p] = First letter of Her.Name. Good for stuff like "A... Aradia..."
'[y] = First letter of You.Name
'[Q] = "
'[NL] = vbNewLine
'[HS],[HM],[HL],[HXL],[HXXL] = Increase (or decrease) You.Status.Horniness by 10, 20, 40, 75, and 100, respectively
'[PHS],[PHM],[PHL],[PHXL],[PHXXL] = Same as above, but for Her.Status.Horniness
HorninessChange += 10 * (Text.Split({"[HS]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 20 * (Text.Split({"[HM]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 40 * (Text.Split({"[HL]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 75 * (Text.Split({"[HXL]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 150 * (Text.Split({"[HXXL]"}, 0).Length - 1)
PartnerHorninessChange += 10 * (Text.Split({"[PHS]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 20 * (Text.Split({"[PHM]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 40 * (Text.Split({"[PHL]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 75 * (Text.Split({"[PHXL]"}, 0).Length - 1) + 150 * (Text.Split({"[PHXXL]"}, 0).Length - 1)
ChangeHorniness(True, HorninessChange, HorninessIncrease)
StoryBox.Text = Regex.Replace(Text.Replace("[P]", Her.FirstName).Replace("[Y]", You.FirstName).Replace("[PN]", RAO(You.Personality.PetNames)).Replace("[p]", Her.FirstName.Substring(0, 1)).Replace("[y]", You.FirstName.Substring(0, 1)).Replace("[NL]", vbNewLine).Replace("[Q]", """").BatchRemove({"[HS]", "[HM]", "[HL]", "[HXL]", "[HXXL]", "[PHS]", "[PHM]", "[PHL]", "[PHXL]", "[PHXXL]"}), "<[\w\s,.!\?'=:;"" \\|/\-0-9]*>", "")
'Replace("[HS]", "").Replace("[HM]", "").Replace("[HL]", "").Replace("[HXL]", "").Replace("[HXXL]", "").Replace("[PN]", RandomArrayObject(You.Personality.PetNames))
End Sub
Private Sub ActionButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ActionButton1.Click, ActionButton2.Click, ActionButton3.Click, ActionButton4.Click, ActionButton5.Click
Dim StoryOptions(), StoryButtons() As String
Dim StoryLength, StoryPlayerHorninessChange, StoryHerHorninessChange As Integer
Dim StoryPlayerHorninessIncrease As Boolean = True
Dim StoryHerHorninessIncrease As Boolean = True
Select Case sender.Tag
Case "arouse yourself"
Select Case You.Status.Horniness
Case 0 To 200
'shouldn't be available this early
Case 201 To 500
Dim PartnerLine As String = "[NL][NL][P], who has been watching you do this with interest, says [Q][Y], that's my job![Q]. She giggles and continues, [Q]" & If(BothInto("Degradation", True), "God, you're such a " & RAO(You.Sexuality.Kinks.Receiving.Degradation.EnjoyedNames) & ". ", "") & "Wow, you're really " & If(You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness >= 3 And You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina", "wet", "turned on") & "... I'm actually pretty horny too, [PN]...[Q]"
Dim OptionA As String = "<THIS OPTION SHOULD ONLY BE LOADED FOR THOSE WITH VAGOOS>You gently run a finger over your plump pussy lips, which sends an anticipatory shiver down your spine. You move your finger closer to your clit and press on it gently, sending a wave of pleasure through your body. With your other hand, you " & If(You.Status.WearingBra, "slide your bra up a little and ", "") & "start twisting one of your stiff nipples" & If(You.Sexuality.Moaning.Easiness > 2, ", causing you to let out an involuntary moan, which you quickly stifle", "") & ". You feel your knees weakening and " & If(LocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("bedroom"), "decide to sit on the bed", If(LocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("living room"), If(SubLocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("couch"), "are thankful you're already seated", "decide to sit on the couch"), If(SubLocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("sitting"), "decide to sit on the floor", "are thankful that you're already seated"))) & " so that you can really get going. You " & If(You.Status.WearingBottom And Not You.Outfits.Outfit1.Bottom.IsSkirt, " unzip your fly to ", "") & If(You.Status.WearingPanties, "slide your panties aside and ", "") & "insert two fingers, moaning softly as they press against your " & If(You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness > 1, "wet ", "") & "pussy. You feel your juices trickling down your inner thighs as you fingerbang yourself, thrusting your hips into your own hand " & If(Not Her.Genitals.HasVagina, "as if your fingers were your girlfriend's cock", "") & ". Your breathing becomes heavy as you continue grinding against your hand. " & PartnerLine & "[NL][NL]Blushing, you gently slide your fingers out from your vagoo" & If(You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness = 5, ", creating a thin trail of fluid from your fingertips to your warm slit, which snaps as you pull your fingers further away.", ".") & If(You.Status.WearingBra, " You pull your bra back down, covering your nipples. ", "") & If(You.Status.WearingPanties, "You pull your panties back across, allowing them to hug your lips tightly.", "")
If You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" Then OptionA = "<UNFINISHED>Unfinished"
Dim OptionB As String = "<co-written with pet>You slowly snake your hand up your curves before bringing your right hand up to your left " & If(IsFlat(You), "breast", "nipple") & ". You press your index finger against your nipple and softly gasp at how effective a simple press was at turning you on" & If(You.Status.WearingBra, ", even through your bra.<true story>", ".") & " You press down harder, feeling your bud slowly grow more stiff. No longer satisfied with presses, you run your finger over your nipple in a circular motion, pressing harder, moving faster, " & If(You.Sexuality.Moaning.Easiness > 2, "making you moan softly", "growing ever more turned on") & ". You become aware of just how stiff your nipples are and immediately feel " & If(You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina", "a warm feeling in your twat", "your cock pulsing") & ". Gently, you pinch " & If(You.Status.WearingBra, "the fabric directly over ", "") & "your firm bud. You feel your knees wobble a little, accompanied by " & If(You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina" And You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness > 2, "your wetness spreading outward, warming your core and your inner thighs", "even stronger feelings of lust") & ". You sit down to avoid any mishaps before bringing both of your hands up to your chest. Your nipples are plainly visible through your bra as you pinch them both, first softly, then tighter and tighter, quickly giving in to the pleasure. " & If(You.Genitals.Vagina.Wetness > 3 And You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina", "Your pussy is now leaking, spreading that deliciously familiar wet feeling further down the insides of your thighs. ", If(You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis", "Your " & SizeCock(You.Genitals.Penis.Length) & " starts pulsing and stiffening. " & If(You.Status.WearingPanties, If(You.Status.WearingBottom, If(You.Outfits.Outfit1.Bottom.IsSkirt, "You pull your skirt down and ", "you slide your pants down your smooth legs and "), "you ") & "pull your cock out of your panties and begin slowly masturbating. You feel yourself getting hornier as your " & If(You.Genitals.Penis.Veiny, "veiny ", "") & "cock throbs in your hand, causing you to masturbate faster and faster. You close your eyes and start twisting your right nipple with your free hand, continuing to get yourself off with your right hand.", ""), "<vagoo that doesn't get super wet>")) & If(You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "Vagoo", "You move your hands " & If(You.Status.WearingBra, "under your bra", "onto your nipples") & "and pinch both of your buds tightly, causing you to moan eagerly. You allow your eyes to close and you start twisting your nipples, moaning sharply at the amazing feeling it produces.", "") & PartnerLine & " You blush and try to control yourself, putting your hands by your side."
StoryOptions = {OptionA, OptionB}
SubLocationLabel.Text = If(LocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("bedroom"), "Sitting on the bed", If(LocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("living room"), If(SubLocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("couch"), "Sitting on the couch", SubLocationLabel.Text), If(SubLocationLabel.Text.ToLower.Contains("sitting"), "Sitting on the floor", SubLocationLabel.Text)))
SetStoryBoxText("You decide that you want to turn yourself on a little more, to make spending time with [P] even more interesting.[NL]" & RAO(StoryOptions), 3, {"Undress", "Make out With [P]"}, 300)
Case 501 To 800
Dim OptionA As String = "You decide that your wet pussy/erect cock deserves a little more attention."
End Select
Case "snuggle with [p]<bed>"
Case "have [p] eat you out"
Select Case You.Status.CurrentGenitalia
Case "vagina"
SetStoryBoxText("<excerpt from insecurity's square one><UNFINISHED>[P] drops her own bra, along with her skirt and panties. You gasp when you see how enormous her cock is, causing you to become even more turned on. By this point, the regular moans in your fast, heavy breathing are quite obviously ones of desperation. [P] pushes you onto your back and stands on her hands and knees above you. She spreads her legs wider, lowering her body onto yours, and kisses you when she is close enough. You are lying with your hands above your head. Seeing the obvious opportunity, [P] pins your hands down (making sure not to use too much weight) and begins making out with you. You would've gasped, had you had the ability. You feel your wetness dripping from your warm snatch as [P] forces her tongue into your mouth. You press your thighs together tightly, hoping to at least somewhat satisfy your engorged clitoris, but find that it only makes you hornier. [P] sucks on your tongue and moans with passion. After nearly twenty seconds, the two of you slowly separate. Upon seeing [P]'s giant cock throbbing with pleasure, you feel yourself become even hornier.
[P] runs her hand along your cheek, then over your curves, and stops at your hips. She then moves back so that she's sitting on your thighs. while still maintaining eye contact with you, she slowly runs her finger toward your pussy. As [P] draws nearer and nearer, your breathing grows even heavier, and your constant, lustful moans let [P] know that what she's doing is working. [P] runs her finger along your plump, wet lips, turning you on further. You gasp with ecstasy as [P]'s finger arrives at your stiff clitoris. [P] gently presses your love button, causing you to let out a rather loud moan (which you quickly stifle). [P] giggles and presses it again, this time for longer, and harder. You throw your head back and moan with desperation. [P] slides two fingers into your cunt, making sure that they press against your swollen clitoris. She pulls them back out, showing you that they're coated in a thin layer of your hot juices. You blush deeply upon being shown how wet you are. After fingerbanging you for about thirty seconds, [P] decides that you deserve (and need) more.
[P] kisses you and runs her tongue over your boobs and tummy, stopping above your warm, aching slit. You gasp when you realise what is about to happen, before spreading yourself with your fingers. [P] runs her tongue over your pudgy lips a few times, adding to the wetness that coats them. After teasing you like this a few more times, [P] slowly, gently presses her tongue against your love button, catching you by surprise. You involuntarily buck your hips a little and let out a loud, high-pitched moan. [P] giggles, satisfied with the effect she's managed to have, before running her tongue up along the length of your snatch. She grabs your hips with both hands and pulls herself into your twat, running her tongue over and around your clit. Giving in to your urges, you put your hands on the back of [P]'s head and grind your pussy into her face. Your moaning grows louder and less spaced out as you draw near to orgasm. [P] runs her tongue up along your slit a few more times, pushing you over the edge. Your whole body twitches and you fall backwards onto the bed, panting. Your face is flushed bright red.
[P] giggles and lays next to you on the bed, holding your hand tightly.", 10, {"???"}, 400, False, 400, False)
End Select
Case Else
MsgBox("No response written for """ & sender.Tag & """!")
End Select
'SetStoryBoxText(Intro & RAO(StoryOptions), StoryLength, StoryButtons, StoryPlayerHorninessChange, StoryPlayerHorninessIncrease, StoryHerHorninessChange, StoryHerHorninessIncrease)
End Sub
Public Function SizeCock(Length As Integer)
Select Case Length
Case 3 - 4
Return RAO(TinySynonyms) & " cock"
Case 5 - 7
Return "cock"
Case Else
Return RAO(HugeSynonyms) & " cock"
End Select
End Function
Public Function IsFlat(Target As Character)
Return Target.Basics.Boobs.CupSize = 0
End Function
Public Function BothInto(Kink As String, PartnerGives As Boolean)
If PartnerGives Then
Return CallByName(You.Sexuality.Kinks.Receiving, "Into" & Kink, CallType.Get) = CallByName(Her.Sexuality.Kinks.Giving, "Into" & Kink, CallType.Get)
Return CallByName(You.Sexuality.Kinks.Giving, "Into" & Kink, CallType.Get) = CallByName(Her.Sexuality.Kinks.Receiving, "Into" & Kink, CallType.Get)
End If
Catch ex As MissingMemberException
MsgBox("Invalid kink!")
End Try
Return True
End Function
Public Sub IncrementTime(MinutesToIncrementBy)
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeHorniness(ApplyToYou As Boolean, AmountToChangeBy As Integer, Optional Add As Boolean = True)
If AmountToChangeBy > 50 Then
AmountToChangeBy = AmountToChangeBy + (Rnd() * 10 + 5) - (Rnd() * 10 + 5)
End If
Dim CurrentHorniness As Integer = YouOrHer(ApplyToYou).Status.Horniness
Dim HStrength As Integer = YouOrHer(ApplyToYou).Sexuality.Horniness.Strength
Dim HFrequency As Integer = YouOrHer(ApplyToYou).Sexuality.Horniness.Frequency
If Add Then CurrentHorniness += AmountToChangeBy + Math.Ceiling((AmountToChangeBy / 10) * 1 + ((HStrength / 10) + (HFrequency / 10)) / 2) Else CurrentHorniness -= AmountToChangeBy
'If AmountToChangeBy > 50 Then MsgBox("Added " & AmountToChangeBy + Math.Ceiling((AmountToChangeBy / 10) * 1 + ((HStrength / 10) + (HFrequency / 10)) / 2))
SetHorniness(ApplyToYou, CurrentHorniness)
WidthToSet = (CDbl(You.Status.Horniness) / 1000.0) * 171
If ApplyToYou Then 'partner's effect box works differently: at certain horniness levels, they may start leaking cum, moaning, etc. when this happens, it is then added to the box
For i = 1 To YouOrHer(ApplyToYou).Status.Horniness
If HorninessEffects.ContainsKey(i) Then
'MsgBox(You.Name & " Is horny enough To experience " & HorninessEffects(i).RemoveFirst(4) & "!")
If HorninessEffects(i).ToString.StartsWith("COCK") Then If You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "penis" Then PlayerHorninessEffects.Items.Add(HorninessEffects(i).RemoveFirst(4))
If HorninessEffects(i).ToString.StartsWith("VGOO") Then If You.Status.CurrentGenitalia = "vagina" Then PlayerHorninessEffects.Items.Add(HorninessEffects(i).RemoveFirst(4))
If HorninessEffects(i).ToString.StartsWith("BOTH") Then PlayerHorninessEffects.Items.Add(HorninessEffects(i).RemoveFirst(4))
End If
PlayerHorninessEffects.TopIndex = PlayerHorninessEffects.Items.Count - 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetHorniness(ApplyToYou, Horniness)
If ApplyToYou Then You.Status.Horniness = Horniness Else Her.Status.Horniness = Horniness
End Sub
Public Function YouOrHer(ReturnYou As Boolean)
If ReturnYou Then Return You
Return Her
End Function
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ChangeHorniness(True, sender.Text.ToString.Replace("+", ""))
End Sub
Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll
SetHorniness(True, TrackBar1.Value)
ChangeHorniness(True, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub ToolTipSlut_Popup(sender As Object, e As PopupEventArgs) Handles ToolTipSlut.Popup
End Sub
Private Sub MoreButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MoreButton.Click
Dim Options() As String = {"Kiss " & Her.FirstName, "Cuddle " & Her.FirstName}
If You.Status.Horniness > 400 And Her.Status.Horniness > 400 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AnimateHorninessIncreaseTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AnimateHorninessIncreaseTimer.Tick
If WidthToSet > PlayerHorninessLevel.Width Then
PlayerHorninessLevel.Width += 1
ElseIf WidthToSet < PlayerHorninessLevel.Width Then
PlayerHorninessLevel.Width -= 1
ElseIf WidthToSet = PlayerHorninessLevel.Width Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddAllHorninessEffectsToDictionary()
HorninessEffects.Add(100, "BOTHStaring")
HorninessEffects.Add(200, "BOTHThinking affected")
HorninessEffects.Add(250, "BOTHHard nipples")
HorninessEffects.Add(400, "COCKErect")
HorninessEffects.Add(450, "VGOOWet")
HorninessEffects.Add(500, "BOTHBreathing heavily")
HorninessEffects.Add(550, "COCKPulsing")
HorninessEffects.Add(600, "COCKLeaking cum")
HorninessEffects.Add(625, "VGOOLeaking juices")
HorninessEffects.Add(650, "BOTHMoaning softly")
HorninessEffects.Add(700, "VGOOEnlarged clitoris")
HorninessEffects.Add(750, "BOTHDesparate")
HorninessEffects.Add(800, "BOTHMotor control impacted")
HorninessEffects.Add(900, "BOTHCan't think")
HorninessEffects.Add(950, "BOTHCan no longer resist")
End Sub
End Class