#!/usr/bin/env python3 #BCAO - BandCamp Automatic Organiser #copyright 2018 lynnear software babyyyyyyyyyyyy #GPLv3 because why the fuck not #input: a .zip from bandcamp #output: it organises it, adds cover art, puts it in the right place... import subprocess, argparse, sys, os, re, base64 try: from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.flac import Picture from mutagen.aac import AAC except ImportError: print("Please install python3-mutagen (pip install mutagen)") sys.exit(1) try: subprocess.check_output(["unzip", "--help"]) except: print("Please install unzip (apt install unzip)") sys.exit(1) try: subprocess.check_output(["which", "convert"]) subprocess.check_output(["which", "identify"]) except: print("Please install imagemagick, and ensure convert and identify are in your $PATH (apt install imagemagick") sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "BandCamp Automatic Organiser. Extracts the given zip file downloaded from Bandcamp and organises it.") parser.add_argument('zip', help='The zip file to use') #KEEP THESE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER! parser.add_argument('-q','--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='Disable non-error output') parser.add_argument('-t','--threshold', dest='threshold', nargs=1, default=300, help="Maximum acceptable cover art file size in kilobytes. Default: 300") args=parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.zip): print("heh.... nice try kid... {0} aint a real file... i've been aroud the block a few times, ya know... you'll have to do a lot better than that to trick me.... kid...".format(args.zip)) sys.exit(2) print("Extracting...") zipname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.zip))[0] tmp = "/tmp/bcao/{0}".format(zipname) subprocess.check_output(["rm", "-rf", tmp]) subprocess.check_output(['mkdir', '-p', tmp]) subprocess.check_output(["unzip", args.zip, "-d", tmp]) files = [] songs = [] for root, dirs, filez in os.walk(tmp): for file in filez: #for every file files.append(root + os.sep + file) cover = "" artists = [] album = "" fileExtensionRegex = re.compile(r"[^\.]+$") probablyASongRegex = re.compile(r"^.+ - .+ - \d{2,} .+\.[^\.]+$") #matches "artist - album - 01 track.xyz" but not "some weird bonus thing.mp3" musicExts = ["ogg", "flac", "alac", "aiff", "wav", "mp3", "opus", "m4a", "aac", "oga"] bannedCharacters = ["?", "\\", "/", ":", "|", "*", "\"", "<", ">"] #characters that kill wangblows. all of these are fine on lincucks/crapOS except "/" trackCount = 0 print("Processing... please wait.") #use "01 Song.ogg" instead of "1 Song.ogg". Also works for albums with more than 99 tracks if that ever happens trackNumberLength = len(str(len(files))) if trackNumberLength < 2: trackNumberLength = 2 for file in files: if os.path.basename(file).lower() in ["cover.png", "cover.jpg", "cover.gif"]: #we've found our cover art cover = file ext = re.search(fileExtensionRegex, file.lower()).group(0) if ext in musicExts: if re.search(probablyASongRegex, file) != None: #this is definitely a song and probably not a bonus sound file or whatever if ext == "ogg": f = OggVorbis(file) name = "{0} {1}.{2}".format(f["TRACKNUMBER"][0].zfill(trackNumberLength), f["TITLE"][0], ext) for bc in bannedCharacters: if bc in name: name = name.replace(bc, "-") #replace banned characters with dashes songs.append(name) if album == "": album = f["ALBUM"][0] if f["ARTIST"][0] not in artists: artists.append(f["ARTIST"][0]) trackCount = trackCount + 1 subprocess.check_output(["mv", file, os.path.dirname(file) + os.sep + name]) else: print("UNSUPPORTED FORMAT BECAUSE LYNNE IS A LAZY MORON") if len(artists) > 1: artists.append("Various Artists") if cover == "": #TODO: HANDLE THIS PROPERLY print("couldn't find the cover art :)))))") sys.exit(1) while os.path.getsize(cover) / 1024 > args.threshold: if os.path.basename(cover) != "cover-lq.jpg": nucover = os.path.dirname(cover) + os.sep + "cover-lq.jpg" subprocess.check_output(["convert", cover, "-quality", "85", nucover]) #convert the file to a jpeg cover = nucover else: subprocess.check_output(["convert", cover, "-resize", "90%", cover]) #shrink it slightly with open(cover, "rb") as cvr: data = cvr.read() imginfo = subprocess.check_output(["identify", "-ping", "-format", r"%w,%h,%m,%[bit-depth]", cover]).decode("utf-8").split(",") picture = Picture() picture.data = data picture.type = 3 picture.mime = "image/{0}".format(imginfo[2].lower()) picture.width = int(imginfo[0]) picture.height = int(imginfo[1]) picture.depth = int(imginfo[3]) picture_data = picture.write() encoded_data = base64.b64encode(picture_data) vcomment_value = encoded_data.decode("ascii") for song in songs: f = OggVorbis(tmp + os.sep + song) f["metadata_block_picture"] = [vcomment_value] f.save() artist = artists[0] artists.append("Custom...") # print("Please choose the artist name to use when creating the folder.") choice = 0 while True: print("Artist directory:") for i in range(len(artists)): print("{0}) {1}".format(i + 1, artists[i])) choice = input("> ") try: choice = artists[int(choice) - 1] except: print() continue break if choice == "Custom...": print("Enter the name to use.") choice = input("> ") # print("Setting artist to {0}".format(choice)) artist = choice mPath = "/home/lynne/Music/Music/{0}/{1}".format(artist, album) #todo: don't hardcode this subprocess.check_output(["mkdir", "-p", mPath]) for root, dirs, filez in os.walk(tmp): for file in filez: #for every file subprocess.check_output(["mv", root + os.sep + file, mPath + os.sep + file]) subprocess.check_output(["rm", "-rf", tmp]) print("Done!")