
13 lines
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2020-04-10 01:56:02 +10:00
<figure class="video aligncenter">
{%- assign mime_types = "mp4,webm" | split: "," %}
{%- if mime_types contains include.extension %}{% assign type = "video/" | append: include.extension %}{% endif %}
{%- assign qualities = include.qualities | split: "," %}
<video controls preload="auto" playsinline controls class='plyr' data-default='{{ qualities.first }}'>
{%- for quality in qualities -%}
<source src='https://cdn.bune.city/post-media/{{ page.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}-{{ page.slug }}/{{ include.name }}-{{ quality }}.{{ include.extension }}' size='{{ quality }}' {%- if type %} type="{{ type }}" {%- endif -%}>
{% endfor %}
The checkpoints are supposed to make a noise when you drive through them, and the egg gun should have a sound when firing.