/* buypeeb - a program to track yahoo jp auctions of peebus. Copyright (C) 2021 lynnesbian This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.Encodings.Web; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text.Unicode; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CsvHelper; using Gtk; using Timeout = GLib.Timeout; // ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local namespace Buypeeb { [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "UnusedMember.Local")] internal class MainWindow : Window { private static readonly SemaphoreSlim TaskLimit = new(6); private readonly Builder builder; private readonly Label endingLabel; private readonly Dictionary filterChecks = new(); private readonly HttpClient httpClient; private readonly ListStore items; private readonly TreeView itemTreeView; private readonly JsonSerializerOptions jsonOptions; private readonly string location; private readonly SearchEntry searchEntry; // TODO: whenever we get something from the builder, cache it for later // that way we don't need to constantly do "builder.GetObject"s private readonly Box selectionViewBox; private readonly Queue updateQueue = new(); private bool queueActive; private Settings settings; public MainWindow() : this(new Builder("main.glade")) { } private MainWindow(Builder builder) : base(builder.GetObject("wndMain").Handle) { jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions { // enable full unicode support to ensure that japanese characters are saved properly Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.All), }; if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) // C:\Users\Beebus\AppData\Roaming\Lynnear Software\buypeeb { location = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Lynnear Software", "buypeeb"); } else // ~/.config/Lynnear Software/buypeeb { location = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), ".config", "Lynnear Software", "buypeeb"); } // initialise http client httpClient = new HttpClient(); var userdata = System.IO.Path.Combine(location, "userdata.json"); if (File.Exists(userdata)) { try { var j = File.ReadAllText(userdata); settings = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(j); } catch { // ??? Console.WriteLine("oops"); Application.Quit(); } } else { settings = new Settings(); } SaveSettings(); Title = "Buypeeb"; // build main window UI this.builder = builder; builder.Autoconnect(this); // hide the (currently non-functional) help button ((ToolButton) builder.GetObject("HelpButton")).Visible = false; var menuButtonFilter = (MenuButton) builder.GetObject("MenuButtonFilter"); var menuButtonSort = (MenuButton) builder.GetObject("MenuButtonSort"); menuButtonFilter.Child = (Image) builder.GetObject("ImageFilter"); menuButtonSort.Child = (Image) builder.GetObject("ImageSort"); selectionViewBox = (Box) builder.GetObject("SelectionViewBox"); endingLabel = (Label) builder.GetObject("LabelSelectedEnding"); searchEntry = (SearchEntry) builder.GetObject("FilterSearchEntry"); // construct the list of filters, and ensure they're all disabled foreach (var name in new List { "Favourites", "NonFavourites", "Active", "Ended", "EndingToday", "EndingAfterToday", "WithWinPrice", "WithNoWinPrice", }) { filterChecks.Add(name, (CheckButton) builder.GetObject($"CheckButtonFilter{name}")); filterChecks[name].Active = false; } // bind treeview columns to watchlist instead of needing to manually sync its liststore itemTreeView = (TreeView) builder.GetObject("TreeViewItems"); items = new ListStore(typeof(YahooAuctionsItem)); var filteredItems = new TreeModelFilter(items, null) {VisibleFunc = ItemFilter}; itemTreeView.Model = filteredItems; // functions for rendering text to the associated columns TreeCellDataFunc[] funcs = { RenderColumnFavourite, RenderColumnName, RenderColumnPriceYen, RenderColumnPriceAUD, RenderColumnEnding, }; for (var i = 0; i < itemTreeView.Columns.Length; i++) { var c = itemTreeView.Columns[i]; c.SetCellDataFunc(c.Cells[0], funcs[i]); } RenderList(); UpdateItems(); Timeout.Add(1000, UpdateSelectionEndTime); Timeout.Add(10000, AutoUpdateItems); DeleteEvent += WindowShutdown; } private IEnumerable filterQuery => // father forgive me for i have lynned from item in settings.watchlist.Values.ToList() where (item.favourite != filterChecks["Favourites"].Active || item.favourite == filterChecks["NonFavourites"].Active) && (item.Available != filterChecks["Active"].Active || item.Available == filterChecks["Ended"].Active) && (item.endingToday != filterChecks["EndingToday"].Active || item.endingToday == filterChecks["EndingAfterToday"].Active) && (item.hasWinPrice != filterChecks["WithWinPrice"].Active || item.hasWinPrice == filterChecks["WithNoWinPrice"].Active) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchEntry.Text) || item.name.ToLower().Contains(searchEntry.Text.ToLower()) || item.originalName.ToLower().Contains(searchEntry.Text.ToLower())) select item; private IEnumerable outdatedItemQuery => // only returns items that meet all of the following: // - marked as "ready", as in, they aren't in the process of updating // - not updated since the interval // - hasn't already ended from item in settings.watchlist.Values.ToList() where item.Ready && settings.ItemNotUpdatedSinceInterval(item) && item.endDate.CompareTo(DateTime.UtcNow) > 0 select item; private YahooAuctionsItem selectedItem { get { if (itemTreeView.Selection.CountSelectedRows() == 0) // avoids incurring the wrath of Gtk-CRITICAL ** { return null; } itemTreeView.Selection.GetSelected(out var iter); return (YahooAuctionsItem) itemTreeView.Model.GetValue(iter, 0); } } private void WindowShutdown(object sender, DeleteEventArgs args) { SaveSettings(); Application.Quit(); } // general behaviour /// /// gets the path and iter for a given item id. /// /// the item id to find in the treeview /// a tuple of (TreePath, TreeIter) private (TreePath path, TreeIter iter) GetRow(string id) { // TODO: surely there's a better way to do this itemTreeView.Model.GetIterFirst(out var iter); var m = (TreeModelFilter) itemTreeView.Model; for (var i = 0; i < itemTreeView.Model.IterNChildren(); i++) { var x = (YahooAuctionsItem) itemTreeView.Model.GetValue(iter, 0); if (x.id == id) { return (m.ConvertPathToChildPath(m.GetPath(iter)), m.ConvertIterToChildIter(iter)); } itemTreeView.Model.IterNext(ref iter); } Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't find {id}!"); return (null, iter); } /// /// saves the settings to userdata.json. /// private void SaveSettings() { var j = JsonSerializer.Serialize(settings, jsonOptions); var p = System.IO.Path.Combine(location, "userdata.json"); Console.WriteLine(j); if (!Directory.Exists(location)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(location); } using var fs = File.CreateText(p); fs.Write(j); } /// /// updates the item with the given id. this method blocks and is intended to be run from a task. /// /// the id of the item to update private async void UpdateThread(string id) { var item = settings.watchlist[id]; // Console.WriteLine($"Updating {id}..."); // set item.ready to false to show that it's still being updated // this changes a few behaviours, such as displaying the price as "..." instead of whatever is currently stored item.Ready = false; Application.Invoke(delegate { // TODO: find a way to not have to do this. i think we need to avoid actually modifying the items outside of the // main thread :/ var (path, iter) = GetRow(id); if (path != null) { items.EmitRowChanged(path, iter); } }); try { item.Update(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(item.url)); } catch (HttpRequestException e) { if (e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { item.AuctionEnded(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to update item ${id}! Status code ${e.StatusCode}: ${e.Message}"); } } Application.Invoke(delegate { var (path, iter) = GetRow(id); if (path != null) { items.EmitRowChanged(path, iter); } if (item == selectedItem) { // if the user has this item selected and it just became ready, enable the selection box and redraw the info selectionViewBox.Sensitive = true; UpdateSelectionView(); } }); item.Ready = true; // Console.WriteLine($"{id} updated."); } /// /// processes the update queue. this is a blocking function. /// private void ProcessUpdateQueue() { queueActive = true; while (queueActive) { UpdateItem(updateQueue.Dequeue()); queueActive = updateQueue.TryPeek(out _); } } /// /// updates an item with the given id with a new task. /// /// the id of the task to update /// whether or not to call this.RenderList() after updating the item private void UpdateItem(string id, bool renderListWhenDone = false) { if (settings.watchlist[id].updatedRecently) { return; } // don't start a new task if there are more than `tasklimit` tasks currently running // this makes sure we don't make 1000 simultaneous requests to yahoo auctions if there are 1000 items on the // watchlist TaskLimit.Wait(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { UpdateThread(id); }).ContinueWith(task => { TaskLimit.Release(); if (renderListWhenDone) { Application.Invoke(delegate { RenderList(); }); } }); } /// /// add every item in the watchlist to the update queue. if the update queue is already being processed /// (this.queueActive), this will do nothing. /// private void UpdateItems() { if (queueActive) { return; } selectionViewBox.Sensitive = false; foreach (var item in settings.watchlist) { if (!updateQueue.Contains(item.Key)) { // set everything to not ready first // ensures other actions don't attempt to display the items even if UpdateItem hasn't started yet item.Value.Ready = false; updateQueue.Enqueue(item.Key); } } if (!updateQueue.TryPeek(out var _)) { // queue is empty return; } itemTreeView.QueueDraw(); Task.Factory.StartNew(ProcessUpdateQueue); } /// /// updates the selection view, displaying the id, name, etc. for the currently selected item. /// private void UpdateSelectionView() { // get the currently selected item var item = selectedItem; var infobox = (Box) builder.GetObject("SelectionInfoBox"); if (item == null) { selectionViewBox.Sensitive = false; infobox.Visible = false; ((Label) builder.GetObject("LabelSelectedName")).Text = "buypeeb"; return; } selectionViewBox.Sensitive = item.Ready; infobox.Visible = true; var lastUpdated = item.LastUpdated.ToLocalTime().ToString("MMM dd, HH:mm:ss"); var info = new Dictionary { {"Name", item.name}, {"YahooName", item.originalName}, {"Price", item.priceJpy}, {"PriceAUD", item.priceAud}, {"Ending", "Please wait..."}, {"Bids", $"{item.Bids}"}, {"BuyItNow", item.WinPrice == 0 ? "No" : $"{item.winPriceJpy} ({item.winPriceAud})"}, {"AutoExtension", item.AutoExtension ? "Yes" : "No"}, { "LastUpdated", item.UpdateFailed ? $"Failed to update item on {lastUpdated}" : $"Last updated: {(item.Ready ? lastUpdated : "Right now!")}" }, }; foreach (var (key, value) in info) { ((Label) builder.GetObject($"LabelSelected{key}")).Text = value; } UpdateSelectionEndTime(); var noteBuffer = (TextBuffer) builder.GetObject("TextBufferSelectedNotes"); noteBuffer.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.notes)) { noteBuffer.Text = item.notes; } ((ToggleButton) builder.GetObject("ButtonSelectedFavourite")).Active = item.favourite; } /// /// opens a URL in the user's browser. /// /// the url to open private static void OpenUrl(string url) { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = url, UseShellExecute = true, }; Process.Start(psi); } /// /// a simple MessageDialog constructor. /// /// the MessageDialog's format /// the MessageDialog's bt /// private MessageDialog MsgBox(string message, ButtonsType buttonsType = ButtonsType.OkCancel) { var md = new MessageDialog( this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Question, buttonsType, message ) {KeepAbove = true, Resizable = false, FocusOnMap = true, Title = "Buypeeb"}; return md; } /// /// show a simple entry dialogue that allows the user to enter text and either cancel or submit it. /// /// the title of the entry dialogue /// the prompt that should be presented to the user /// a string to prefill the input box with /// private (bool accepted, string response) EntryDialogue( string title = "Buypeeb", string message = "Hi there!", string prefill = null ) { var ed = new Dialog( title, this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | DialogFlags.Modal, /* button_data: */ "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "OK", ResponseType.Ok ) {DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok, KeepAbove = true}; var edLabel = new Label(message); var edEntry = new Entry(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefill)) { edEntry.Text = prefill; } edEntry.ActivatesDefault = true; ed.ContentArea.PackStart(edLabel, true, true, 2); edLabel.Show(); ed.ContentArea.PackStart(edEntry, true, true, 10); edEntry.Show(); ed.ContentArea.MarginBottom = 5; ed.ContentArea.MarginTop = 5; ed.ContentArea.MarginStart = 5; ed.ContentArea.MarginEnd = 5; ed.MarginBottom = 5; var accepted = (ResponseType) ed.Run(); var response = edEntry.Text; ed.Dispose(); return (accepted == ResponseType.Ok, response); } /// /// gets the sort type selected by the user - "NameDescending", "EndingAscending", etc. /// /// the id of the radiobutton without the "Sort" prefix private string GetSortType() { foreach (var name in new List { "NameDescending", "NameAscending", "PriceDescending", "PriceAscending", "EndingDescending", "EndingAscending", }) { var radio = (RadioMenuItem) builder.GetObject($"Sort{name}"); if (radio.Active) { return name; } } return "NameAscending"; } /// /// clears the treeview's liststore and adds everything in the watchlist to it, obeying sort order. tries to /// reselect the item that the user had selected, if possible. /// private void RenderList() { string id = null; if (selectedItem != null) { id = selectedItem.id; } items.Clear(); var values = settings.watchlist.Values; var type = GetSortType(); var sorted = type switch { "NameDescending" => values.OrderByDescending(item => item.name), "NameAscending" => values.OrderBy(item => item.name), "PriceDescending" => values.OrderByDescending(item => item.Price), "PriceAscending" => values.OrderBy(item => item.Price), "EndingDescending" => values.OrderByDescending(item => item.endDate), _ => values.OrderBy(item => item.endDate), }; if (settings.showFavouritesAtTopOfList) { foreach (var item in sorted.Where(item => item.favourite)) { items.AppendValues(item); } foreach (var item in sorted.Where(item => !item.favourite)) { items.AppendValues(item); } } else { foreach (var item in sorted) { items.AppendValues(item); } } ((TreeModelFilter) itemTreeView.Model).Refilter(); if (id == null) { return; } // attempt to reselect the item we were just looking at // ReSharper disable once UseDeconstruction var pathAndIter = GetRow(id); if (pathAndIter.path != null) { itemTreeView.Selection.SelectPath(pathAndIter.path); } } // event handlers private void ButtonAddClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { // Console.WriteLine("ButtonAddClicked"); var aid = new AddItemDialogue {Title = "Buypeeb"}; aid.Run(); var url = aid.entryURL.Text; var name = aid.entryName.Text; aid.Dispose(); // vry simpl url validation for simpol creachers // TODO: better. do better. var rx = new Regex(@"^http.+yahoo.+"); if (rx.IsMatch(url)) { UpdateItem(settings.Watch(url, name).id, true); RenderList(); } else { var md = MsgBox($"\"{url}\" is not a valid Buyee or Yahoo! Auctions Japan URL.", ButtonsType.Ok); md.Run(); md.Dispose(); } } private void ButtonUpdateAllClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { UpdateItems(); } private void ButtonClearEndedClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var md = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to remove all ended auctions from the list?"); var r = (ResponseType) md.Run(); md.Dispose(); if (r != ResponseType.Ok) { return; } var removeMe = new List(); foreach (var (key, value) in settings.watchlist) { if (!value.Available) { removeMe.Add(key); } } foreach (var id in removeMe) { settings.watchlist.Remove(id); } RenderList(); } private void ButtonClearAllClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var md = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to clear ALL items?"); if (md.Run() == (int) ResponseType.Ok) { settings.watchlist.Clear(); RenderList(); } md.Dispose(); } private void ButtonOpenClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var od = new FileChooserDialog( "Open userdata.json", this, FileChooserAction.Open, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Open", ResponseType.Accept ); var odf = new FileFilter {Name = "JSON files"}; odf.AddMimeType("application/json"); odf.AddPattern("*.json"); od.AddFilter(odf); if (od.Run() == (int) ResponseType.Accept) { try { var j = File.ReadAllText(od.Filename); settings = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(j); RenderList(); UpdateItems(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var md = MsgBox($"Failed to load {od.Filename}!\n{e.Message}", ButtonsType.Ok); md.Run(); md.Dispose(); } } od.Dispose(); } private void ButtonSaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { SaveSettings(); } private void ButtonSaveAsClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var sd = new FileChooserDialog( "Save userdata.json", this, FileChooserAction.Save, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Save", ResponseType.Accept ) {CurrentName = "userdata.json"}; var sdf = new FileFilter {Name = "JSON files"}; sdf.AddMimeType("application/json"); sdf.AddPattern("*.json"); sd.AddFilter(sdf); if (sd.Run() == (int) ResponseType.Accept) { try { if (!File.Exists(sd.Filename)) { using var fs = File.CreateText(sd.Filename); fs.Write(JsonSerializer.Serialize(settings, jsonOptions)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var md = MsgBox($"Failed to write {sd.Filename}!\n{e.Message}.", ButtonsType.Ok); md.Run(); md.Dispose(); } } sd.Dispose(); } private void ButtonExportClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var readyQuery = from item in settings.watchlist.Values.ToList() where !item.Ready select item; if (readyQuery.Count() != 0) { var md = MsgBox("Please wait for all items to update before exporting a CSV.", ButtonsType.Ok); md.Run(); md.Dispose(); return; } var sd = new FileChooserDialog( "Export watchlist as CSV", this, FileChooserAction.Save, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Save", ResponseType.Accept ) {CurrentName = "buypeeb.csv"}; var sdf = new FileFilter {Name = "CSV files"}; sdf.AddMimeType("text/csv"); sdf.AddPattern("*.csv"); sd.AddFilter(sdf); if (sd.Run() == (int) ResponseType.Accept) { try { using var writer = new StreamWriter(sd.Filename); using var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); csv.WriteRecords(settings.watchlist); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); var md = MsgBox($"Failed to write {sd.Filename}!\n{e.Message}.", ButtonsType.Ok); md.Run(); md.Dispose(); } } sd.Dispose(); } private void ButtonHelpClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("Watchlist:"); foreach (var item in settings.watchlist) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("---\nFilter results:"); foreach (var item in filterQuery) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("---\nListstore contents:"); foreach (object[] item in items) { Console.WriteLine(item[0]); } } private void ButtonQuitClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var md = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to quit?"); var response = (ResponseType) md.Run(); md.Dispose(); if (response == ResponseType.Ok) { SaveSettings(); Application.Quit(); } } private void ButtonSettingsClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { var win = new SettingsWindow(settings); Application.AddWindow(win); win.DeleteEvent += WindowSettingsClosed; win.Show(); } private void TreeViewItemsSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs a) { UpdateSelectionView(); } private void ButtonViewBuyeeClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { OpenUrl(selectedItem.buyeeUrl); } private void ButtonViewYahooClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { OpenUrl(selectedItem.url); } private void ButtonSelectedRemoveClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var item = selectedItem; var md = MsgBox($"Are you sure you want to remove the item \"{item.name}\"?"); var response = (ResponseType) md.Run(); md.Dispose(); if (response == ResponseType.Ok) { settings.watchlist.Remove(item.id); RenderList(); } } private void ButtonSelectedRenameClicked(object sender, EventArgs a) { var item = selectedItem; var (accepted, response) = EntryDialogue( "Rename item", $"Enter a new name for the item \"{item.name}\".", item.name ); if (accepted) { item.name = response; UpdateSelectionView(); } } private void ButtonSelectedUpdateClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { selectionViewBox.Sensitive = false; if (updateQueue.Contains(selectedItem.id)) { // the item is already waiting to be updated return; } UpdateItem(selectedItem.id); } private void ButtonSelectedFavouriteToggled(object sender, EventArgs args) { var s = (ToggleButton) sender; selectedItem.favourite = s.Active; if (settings.showFavouritesAtTopOfList) { RenderList(); } else { // i don't know why this is necessary var pathAndIter = GetRow(selectedItem.id); if (pathAndIter.path != null) { items.EmitRowChanged(pathAndIter.path, pathAndIter.iter); } } } private void ButtonSelectedNotesClearClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { var item = selectedItem; var md = MsgBox($"Are you sure you want to clear the notes for \"{item.name}\"?"); if (md.Run() == (int) ResponseType.Ok) { var noteBuffer = (TextBuffer) builder.GetObject("TextBufferSelectedNotes"); noteBuffer.Clear(); selectedItem.notes = null; } md.Dispose(); } private void TextViewSelectedNotesFocusOut(object sender, FocusOutEventArgs args) { // the "save" button does nothing, however, when you click the save button, you transfer focus to it, firing this // event! // how very sneaky var noteBuffer = (TextBuffer) builder.GetObject("TextBufferSelectedNotes"); if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.notes = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteBuffer.Text) ? null : noteBuffer.Text; } } private void SortMenuClosed(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenderList(); } private void WindowSettingsClosed(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenderList(); } // timers /// /// updates the end time displayed in the selection box. runs every second to update the countdown timer. /// /// true private bool UpdateSelectionEndTime() { if (!selectionViewBox.IsSensitive) { return true; } var item = selectedItem; if (!item.Ready) { return true; } var ending = ""; if (item.Available) { var now = DateTime.Now; var end = item.endDate.ToLocalTime(); var span = end.Subtract(now); if (span.Days > 0) { ending += span.ToString("dd' days, '"); // will format twelve days as "12 days, " } // timespan objects don't contain definitions for the time or date separators, so the colons need to be escaped // `HH` doesn't exist, but `hh` behaves identically // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-timespan-format-strings ending += span.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); } else { ending = "Auction has ended"; } endingLabel.Text = ending; return true; } /// /// updates all items that need updating. runs every ten seconds. /// /// true private bool AutoUpdateItems() { if (queueActive) { // don't autoupdate if the queue is active return true; } foreach (var item in outdatedItemQuery) { updateQueue.Enqueue(item.id); } if (updateQueue.TryPeek(out var _)) { // there's at least one item in the queue ProcessUpdateQueue(); } return true; } // column renderers private static void RenderColumnFavourite( TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter ) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); ((CellRendererText) cell).Text = item.favourite ? "♥" : ""; } private static void RenderColumnName(TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); ((CellRendererText) cell).Text = item.name ?? "Loading..."; } private static void RenderColumnPriceYen( TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter ) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); ((CellRendererText) cell).Text = item.Ready ? item.priceJpy : "..."; } private static void RenderColumnPriceAUD( TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter ) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); ((CellRendererText) cell).Text = item.Ready ? item.priceAud : "..."; } private void RenderColumnEnding(TreeViewColumn column, CellRenderer cell, ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); var ending = ""; if (item.Ready) { if (!item.Available) { ending = "Ended"; } else { var now = DateTime.Now; var end = item.endDate.ToLocalTime(); // TODO: should we show the year if the auction ends next year? 0uo if (end.DayOfYear != now.DayOfYear) { // the auction isn't ending today, so we should show the day it's ending on for clarity ending += end.ToString("MMM d "); } ending += end.ToString("HH:mm"); if (settings.showSecondsInListView) { // add the seconds on to the end ending += end.ToString(":ss"); } } } ((CellRendererText) cell).Text = item.Ready ? ending : "..."; } // tree filter private bool ItemFilter(ITreeModel model, TreeIter iter) { var item = (YahooAuctionsItem) model.GetValue(iter, 0); if (item == null) { return true; } if (item.Price == 0) { // the item has only just been added, so we can't compare it against the filters, since it's missing most of its data return true; } bool Filtered(string name) { return filterChecks[name].Active; } // first, check to see if any filters are set that would exclude everything, such as hiding both active and ended auctions // if so, there's no need to run the more expensive linq query if ( Filtered("Favourites") && Filtered("NonFavourites") || Filtered("Active") && Filtered("Ended") || Filtered("EndingToday") && Filtered("EndingAfterToday") || Filtered("WithWinPrice") && Filtered("WithNoWinPrice") ) { return false; } return filterQuery.Contains(item); } private void RunFilter(object sender, EventArgs a) { ((TreeModelFilter) itemTreeView.Model).Refilter(); } } }