import requests, gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio, Gdk import re from os import path def get_exchange_rate(): try: assert False return requests.get("", timeout=10).json()['rates']['JPY'] except: return 76.15 def msgBox(title, text, form = Gtk.MessageType.WARNING): msgbox = Gtk.MessageDialog(app.window, 0, form, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, title) msgbox.format_secondary_text(text) response = msgbox.destroy() return response def rmatch(pattern, string): return re.match(pattern, string) != None def readSettings(): global settings if not path.isfile(settingsLocation + "config.json"): os.makedirs(settingsLocation, 0o755) open(settingsLocation + "config.dat", 'x') try: settings = pickle.load(open(settingsLocation + "config.dat", 'rb')) except: MsgBox("Error", "Failed to load settings. The default settings will be used instead.") settings = {"setting":"value", "save database": True} #indent me when releasing! def writeSettings(): global settings pickle.dump(settings, open(settingsLocation + "config.dat", 'wb'))