split fif into lib and bin
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 274 additions and 258 deletions
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ dependencies = [
name = "libc"
version = "0.2.100"
version = "0.2.101"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "a1fa8cddc8fbbee11227ef194b5317ed014b8acbf15139bd716a18ad3fe99ec5"
checksum = "3cb00336871be5ed2c8ed44b60ae9959dc5b9f08539422ed43f09e34ecaeba21"
name = "log"
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ for backend in "${_backends[@]}"; do
-A clippy::multiple-crate-versions \
-A clippy::cast-possible-truncation \
-A clippy::cast-possible-wrap \
-A clippy::must_use_candidate \
-A clippy::missing_panics_doc \
-A clippy::missing_errors_doc \
@ -43,5 +46,8 @@ done
# shadow_unrelated: sometimes things that seem unrelated are actually related ;)
# option_if_let_else: the suggested code is usually harder to read than the original
# multiple_crate_versions: cached uses an old version of hashbrown :c
# cast-possible-truncation: only ever used where it would be totally fine
# cast-possible-wrap: ditto
# cast_possible_truncation: only ever used where it would be totally fine
# cast_possible_wrap: ditto
# must_use_candidate: useless
# missing_panics_doc: the docs are just for me, fif isn't really intended to be used as a library, so this is unneeded
# missing_errors_doc: ditto
@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ use itertools::{Either, Itertools};
/// A macro for creating an array of `Writable`s without needing to pepper your code with `into()`s.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// let f = std::io::stdout();
/// use crate::fif::writables;
/// use crate::fif::formats::{Writable, smart_write};
/// let mut f = std::io::stdout();
/// // Instead of...
/// smart_write(f, &["hello".into(), Writable::Newline]);
/// smart_write(&mut f, &["hello".into(), Writable::Newline]);
/// // ...just use:
/// smart_write(f, writables!["hello", Newline]);
/// smart_write(&mut f, writables!["hello", Newline]);
/// ```
macro_rules! writables {
[$($args:tt),+] => {
@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a OsStr> for Writable<'a> {
fn generated_by() -> String { format!("Generated by fif {}", clap_long_version()) }
fn smart_write<W: Write>(f: &mut W, writeables: &[Writable]) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn smart_write<W: Write>(f: &mut W, writeables: &[Writable]) -> io::Result<()> {
// ehhhh
for writeable in writeables {
match writeable {
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use cached::cached;
use mime::Mime;
use crate::mime_db::MimeDb;
use crate::string_type::String;
use crate::MimeDb;
/// The number of bytes to read initially.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#![warn(trivial_casts, unused_lifetimes, unused_qualifications)]
pub mod mime_db;
pub mod findings;
pub mod formats;
pub mod inspectors;
pub mod parameters;
pub mod string_type;
pub mod utils;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::path::Path;
use log::{debug, error, warn};
use mime_guess::from_ext;
use crate::parameters::ScanOpts;
use crate::findings::{Findings, ScanError};
use crate::mime_db::MimeDb;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
/// A [OnceCell] holding an instance of [mime_db::MimeDb].
pub static MIMEDB: OnceCell<mime_db::InferDb> = OnceCell::new();
} else {
/// A [OnceCell] holding an instance of [mime_db::MimeDb].
pub static MIMEDB: OnceCell<mime_db::XdgDb> = OnceCell::new();
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(windows)] {
/// Determines whether or not a file is hidden by checking its win32 file attributes.
pub fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
std::fs::metadata(entry.path()) // try to get metadata for file
false, // if getting metadata/attributes fails, assume it's not hidden
|f| f.file_attributes() & 0x2 > 0, // flag for hidden - https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/fileio/file-attribute-constants
} else {
/// Determines whether or not a file is hidden by checking for a leading full stop.
pub fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |f| f.starts_with('.') && f != ".")
/// Returns `true` if a file matches the given criteria. This means checking whether the file's extension appears in
/// `exts` (if specified), potentially skipping over hidden files, and so on.
pub fn wanted_file(
entry: &DirEntry,
exts: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
exclude: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
scan_opts: &ScanOpts,
) -> bool {
if entry.depth() == 0 {
// the root directory should always be scanned.
return true;
if !scan_opts.hidden && is_hidden(entry) {
// skip hidden files and directories. this check is performed first because it's very lightweight.
return false;
if entry.file_type().is_dir() {
// always allow directories - there's no point doing file extension matching on something that isn't a file.
return true;
if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() {
// file has extension - discard invalid UTF-8 and normalise it to lowercase.
let ext = ext.to_string_lossy().to_lowercase();
let ext = ext.as_str();
if scan_opts.ignore_unknown_exts && from_ext(ext).is_empty() {
// unknown extension, skip.
return false;
if let Some(exts) = exts {
// only scan if the file has one of the specified extensions.
} else {
// no extensions specified - the file should be scanned unless its extension is on the exclude list.
exclude.map_or(true, |exclude| !exclude.contains(&ext))
} else {
// no file extension
/// Inspects the given entry, returning a [`Findings`] on success and a [`ScanError`] on failure.
/// In the event of an IO error, the returned [`ScanError`] will be of type [`ScanError::File`]. Otherwise, a
/// [`ScanError::Mime`] will be returned, meaning that the file was scanned successfully, but a mimetype could not be
/// determined.
pub fn scan_file(entry: &DirEntry, canonical_paths: bool) -> Result<Findings, ScanError> {
let path = entry.path();
// try to determine mimetype for this entry
let result = match inspectors::mime_type(MIMEDB.get().unwrap(), path) {
// an error occurred while trying to read the file
Err(_) => return Err(ScanError::File(path)),
// the file was read successfully, but we were unable to determine its mimetype
Ok(None) => return Err(ScanError::Mime(path)),
// a mimetype was found!
Ok(Some(result)) => result,
// set of known extensions for the given mimetype
let known_exts = inspectors::mime_extension_lookup(result.essence_str().into());
// file extension for this particular file
let entry_ext = path.extension();
let valid = match known_exts {
// there is a known set of extensions for this mimetype, and the file has an extension
Some(e) if entry_ext.is_some() => e.contains(&entry_ext.unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_lowercase().into()),
// either this file has no extension, or there is no known set of extensions for this mimetype :(
Some(_) | None => false,
let path = if canonical_paths {
match std::fs::canonicalize(path) {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(_) => return Err(ScanError::File(entry.path())),
} else {
path.to_path_buf() // :c
Ok(Findings {
file: path,
mime: result,
/// Takes a slice of [`DirEntry`]s and calls [`scan_file`] on each one, returning the results in a vector.
pub fn scan_from_walkdir(entries: &[DirEntry], canonical_paths: bool) -> Vec<Result<Findings, ScanError>> {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "multi-threaded")] {
use rayon::prelude::*;
// split the entries into chunks of 32, and iterate over each chunk of entries in a separate thread
.flat_map(|chunk| {
.iter() // iter over the chunk, which is a slice of DirEntry structs
.map(|entry| scan_file(entry, canonical_paths))
} else {
entries.iter().map(|entry: &DirEntry| scan_file(entry, canonical_paths)).collect()
/// Scans a given directory with [`WalkDir`], filters with [`wanted_file`], checks for errors, and returns a vector of
/// [DirEntry]s.
pub fn scan_directory(
dirs: &Path,
exts: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
exclude: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
scan_opts: &ScanOpts,
) -> Option<Vec<DirEntry>> {
let stepper = WalkDir::new(dirs).follow_links(scan_opts.follow_symlinks).into_iter();
let mut probably_fatal_error = false;
let entries: Vec<DirEntry> = stepper
.filter_entry(|e| wanted_file(e, exts, exclude, scan_opts)) // filter out unwanted files
.filter_map(|e| {
if let Err(err) = &e {
debug!("uh oh spaghettio!! {:#?}", e);
// log errors to stdout, and remove them from the iterator
let path = err.path().map_or("General error".into(), Path::to_string_lossy);
if err.depth() == 0 {
// if something goes wrong while trying to read the root directory, we're probably not going to get much done
probably_fatal_error = true;
// TODO: is there a way to just say `map_or(x, |y| y).thing()` instead of `map_or(x.thing(), |y| y.thing())`?
// i don't care whether i'm returning a walkdir error or an io error, i just care about whether or not it
// implements ToString (which they both do). map_or doesn't work on trait objects though :(
"{}: {}",
err.io_error().map_or(err.to_string(), |e| e.to_string())
return None;
// remove directories from the final list
.filter(|e| !e.file_type().is_dir())
// if fif is invoked without `-f` on a symlinked directory, it will recurse into the symlink (as desired) and ignore
// any symlinks inside the symlinked root directory. however, the root directory will still be added to `entries` as
// if it were a file to be scanned, and `scan_file` will fail to scan it, adding "Failed to read ~/whatever" to the
// output. to avoid this, we can remove all symlinks from `entries` if `-f` is not set. i know this is kind of
// confusing, but it's honestly kind of hard to explain... maybe a screenshot is better:
// https://i.imgur.com/DYG7jlB.png
// adding the symlink filter removes the line that's being pointed to in the image. 0u0
.filter(|e| scan_opts.follow_symlinks || !e.file_type().is_symlink())
if probably_fatal_error {
} else {
/// Initialises [`MIMEDB`] with a value dependent on the current backend.
pub fn init_db() {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
.or(Err("Failed to initialise Infer backend!"))
} else {
.or(Err("Failed to initialise XDG Mime backend!"))
@ -18,44 +18,18 @@
#![warn(trivial_casts, unused_lifetimes, unused_qualifications)]
use std::io::{stdout, BufWriter, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::exit;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use clap::Clap;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn, Level};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir};
use crate::findings::Findings;
use crate::findings::ScanError;
use crate::formats::Format;
use crate::mime_db::MimeDb;
use crate::parameters::{OutputFormat, ScanOpts};
use crate::utils::{clap_long_version, os_name};
use mime_guess::from_ext;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
mod findings;
mod formats;
mod inspectors;
mod mime_db;
mod parameters;
pub(crate) mod string_type;
use fif::formats::Format;
use fif::parameters::{OutputFormat};
use fif::utils::{clap_long_version, os_name};
use fif::{init_db, scan_directory, parameters, formats};
mod tests;
mod utils;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
/// A [OnceCell] holding an instance of [mime_db::MimeDb].
static MIMEDB: OnceCell<mime_db::InferDb> = OnceCell::new();
} else {
/// A [OnceCell] holding an instance of [mime_db::MimeDb].
static MIMEDB: OnceCell<mime_db::XdgDb> = OnceCell::new();
@ -115,7 +89,7 @@ fn main() {
trace!("Found {} items to check", entries.len());
let results: Vec<_> = scan_from_walkdir(&entries, args.canonical_paths)
let results: Vec<_> = fif::scan_from_walkdir(&entries, args.canonical_paths)
|result| result.is_err() || !result.as_ref().unwrap().valid,
@ -168,208 +142,3 @@ fn main() {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(windows)] {
/// Determines whether or not a file is hidden by checking its win32 file attributes.
fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
std::fs::metadata(entry.path()) // try to get metadata for file
false, // if getting metadata/attributes fails, assume it's not hidden
|f| f.file_attributes() & 0x2 > 0, // flag for hidden - https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/fileio/file-attribute-constants
} else {
/// Determines whether or not a file is hidden by checking for a leading full stop.
fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |f| f.starts_with('.') && f != ".")
/// Returns `true` if a file matches the given criteria. This means checking whether the file's extension appears in
/// `exts` (if specified), potentially skipping over hidden files, and so on.
fn wanted_file(
entry: &DirEntry,
exts: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
exclude: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
scan_opts: &ScanOpts,
) -> bool {
if entry.depth() == 0 {
// the root directory should always be scanned.
return true;
if !scan_opts.hidden && is_hidden(entry) {
// skip hidden files and directories. this check is performed first because it's very lightweight.
return false;
if entry.file_type().is_dir() {
// always allow directories - there's no point doing file extension matching on something that isn't a file.
return true;
if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() {
// file has extension - discard invalid UTF-8 and normalise it to lowercase.
let ext = ext.to_string_lossy().to_lowercase();
let ext = ext.as_str();
if scan_opts.ignore_unknown_exts && from_ext(ext).is_empty() {
// unknown extension, skip.
return false;
if let Some(exts) = exts {
// only scan if the file has one of the specified extensions.
} else {
// no extensions specified - the file should be scanned unless its extension is on the exclude list.
exclude.map_or(true, |exclude| !exclude.contains(&ext))
} else {
// no file extension
/// Inspects the given entry, returning a [`Findings`] on success and a [`ScanError`] on failure.
/// In the event of an IO error, the returned [`ScanError`] will be of type [`ScanError::File`]. Otherwise, a
/// [`ScanError::Mime`] will be returned, meaning that the file was scanned successfully, but a mimetype could not be
/// determined.
fn scan_file(entry: &DirEntry, canonical_paths: bool) -> Result<Findings, ScanError> {
let path = entry.path();
// try to determine mimetype for this entry
let result = match inspectors::mime_type(MIMEDB.get().unwrap(), path) {
// an error occurred while trying to read the file
Err(_) => return Err(ScanError::File(path)),
// the file was read successfully, but we were unable to determine its mimetype
Ok(None) => return Err(ScanError::Mime(path)),
// a mimetype was found!
Ok(Some(result)) => result,
// set of known extensions for the given mimetype
let known_exts = inspectors::mime_extension_lookup(result.essence_str().into());
// file extension for this particular file
let entry_ext = path.extension();
let valid = match known_exts {
// there is a known set of extensions for this mimetype, and the file has an extension
Some(e) if entry_ext.is_some() => e.contains(&entry_ext.unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_lowercase().into()),
// either this file has no extension, or there is no known set of extensions for this mimetype :(
Some(_) | None => false,
let path = if canonical_paths {
match std::fs::canonicalize(path) {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(_) => return Err(ScanError::File(entry.path())),
} else {
path.to_path_buf() // :c
Ok(Findings {
file: path,
mime: result,
/// Takes a slice of [`DirEntry`]s and calls [`scan_file`] on each one, returning the results in a vector.
fn scan_from_walkdir(entries: &[DirEntry], canonical_paths: bool) -> Vec<Result<Findings, ScanError>> {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "multi-threaded")] {
use rayon::prelude::*;
// split the entries into chunks of 32, and iterate over each chunk of entries in a separate thread
.flat_map(|chunk| {
.iter() // iter over the chunk, which is a slice of DirEntry structs
.map(|entry| scan_file(entry, canonical_paths))
} else {
entries.iter().map(|entry: &DirEntry| scan_file(entry, canonical_paths)).collect()
/// Scans a given directory with [`WalkDir`], filters with [`wanted_file`], checks for errors, and returns a vector of
/// [DirEntry]s.
fn scan_directory(
dirs: &Path,
exts: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
exclude: Option<&BTreeSet<&str>>,
scan_opts: &ScanOpts,
) -> Option<Vec<DirEntry>> {
let stepper = WalkDir::new(dirs).follow_links(scan_opts.follow_symlinks).into_iter();
let mut probably_fatal_error = false;
let entries: Vec<DirEntry> = stepper
.filter_entry(|e| wanted_file(e, exts, exclude, scan_opts)) // filter out unwanted files
.filter_map(|e| {
if let Err(err) = &e {
debug!("uh oh spaghettio!! {:#?}", e);
// log errors to stdout, and remove them from the iterator
let path = err.path().map_or("General error".into(), Path::to_string_lossy);
if err.depth() == 0 {
// if something goes wrong while trying to read the root directory, we're probably not going to get much done
probably_fatal_error = true;
// TODO: is there a way to just say `map_or(x, |y| y).thing()` instead of `map_or(x.thing(), |y| y.thing())`?
// i don't care whether i'm returning a walkdir error or an io error, i just care about whether or not it
// implements ToString (which they both do). map_or doesn't work on trait objects though :(
"{}: {}",
err.io_error().map_or(err.to_string(), |e| e.to_string())
return None;
// remove directories from the final list
.filter(|e| !e.file_type().is_dir())
// if fif is invoked without `-f` on a symlinked directory, it will recurse into the symlink (as desired) and ignore
// any symlinks inside the symlinked root directory. however, the root directory will still be added to `entries` as
// if it were a file to be scanned, and `scan_file` will fail to scan it, adding "Failed to read ~/whatever" to the
// output. to avoid this, we can remove all symlinks from `entries` if `-f` is not set. i know this is kind of
// confusing, but it's honestly kind of hard to explain... maybe a screenshot is better:
// https://i.imgur.com/DYG7jlB.png
// adding the symlink filter removes the line that's being pointed to in the image. 0u0
.filter(|e| scan_opts.follow_symlinks || !e.file_type().is_symlink())
if probably_fatal_error {
} else {
/// Initialises [`MIMEDB`] with a value dependent on the current backend.
fn init_db() {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
.or(Err("Failed to initialise Infer backend!"))
} else {
.or(Err("Failed to initialise XDG Mime backend!"))
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
use crate::findings::Findings;
use crate::formats::{Format, PowerShell, Shell};
use crate::inspectors::{mime_extension_lookup, BUF_SIZE};
use crate::mime_db::MimeDb;
use crate::string_type::String;
use crate::{scan_directory, scan_from_walkdir};
use fif::findings::Findings;
use fif::formats::{Format, PowerShell, Shell};
use fif::inspectors::{mime_extension_lookup, BUF_SIZE};
use fif::mime_db::MimeDb;
use fif::string_type::String;
use fif::{scan_directory, scan_from_walkdir};
use crate::parameters::Parameters;
use clap::Clap;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ const ZIP_BYTES: &[u8] = b"PK\x03\x04";
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
fn get_mime_db() -> crate::mime_db::InferDb {
fn get_mime_db() -> fif::mime_db::InferDb {
} else {
fn get_mime_db() -> crate::mime_db::XdgDb {
fn get_mime_db() -> fif::mime_db::XdgDb {
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ fn identify_random_bytes() {
"No type found:\t{} counts",
results.values().len() as i32 - results.values().sum::<i32>()
1000 - results.values().sum::<i32>()
@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ fn media_contains_audio_video_images() {
/// Ensure that the `writables!` macro produces the output it should.
fn writables_is_correct() {
use crate::formats::Writable;
use crate::writables;
use fif::formats::Writable;
use fif::writables;
&["henlo".into(), Path::new("henlo").into(), Writable::Newline,],
Reference in a new issue