#!/bin/bash fd -e rs -x touch {} cargo clippy --tests -- \ -W clippy::nursery \ -W clippy::perf \ -W clippy::pedantic \ -W clippy::complexity \ -W clippy::cargo \ -W clippy::float_cmp_const \ -W clippy::lossy_float_literal \ -W clippy::multiple_inherent_impl \ -W clippy::string_to_string \ -W clippy::wrong_pub_self_convention \ -A clippy::unused_io_amount \ -A clippy::redundant_closure_for_method_calls \ -A clippy::shadow_unrelated # ALLOWS: # unused_io_amount: there are two places where i want to read up to X bytes and i'm fine with getting less than that # redundant_closure...: the alternative is often much more verbose # shadow_unrelated: sometimes things that seem unrelated are actually related ;)