# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Lynnesbian # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 image: "rust:latest" variables: CARGO_HOME: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cargo PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL: "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/generic/fif" RUSTFLAGS: "-C debuginfo=0" cache: paths: - target - .cargo default: before_script: - rustc --version - cargo version stages: - lint # KNEE-DEEP IN THE DEBUG - cache-cleanup # THE CACHES OF HELL - build-base # INFERNAL build times - build # THY CREDITS CONSUMED - test # SIGKILL # - release # TEMPLATES # this step uses cargo-sweep to clean up unneeded cruft that accumulates over time in the target dir. cargo clean is # not used because it simply rm -rf's the entire target directory (and thus prevents build caching). i would really like # to either replace this with a bash script, or to install cargo-sweep as a binary instead of building it from source # like this. i'd also like to add a step that checks to see whether the target dir exists, and exits early if not. .cargo-cleanup: stage: cache-cleanup allow_failure: true script: - cargo install cargo-sweep - cargo sweep -i - git -C $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cargo/registry/index/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/ gc --aggressive || true # this builds a "base" version of fif with default features enabled. this is done separately from the main build step # for the purposes of caching - by building once *before* executing the parallel cargo-build step, we ensure that # cargo-build can reuse some cached stuff, rather than building from scratch every time. .cargo-build-base: stage: build-base script: cargo build --locked # build with various features on and off. .cargo-build: extends: .cargo-build-base stage: build parallel: matrix: - FEATURES: - xdg-mime-backend - infer-backend - multi-threaded xdg-mime-backend - multi-threaded infer-backend script: cargo run --no-default-features --locked --features="json $FEATURES" -- --version # test with various features on and off. .cargo-test: extends: .cargo-build stage: test script: cargo test --no-default-features --locked --verbose --features="json $FEATURES" # LINT # run the included clippy.sh with "ci" mode on - clippy will exit with code 1 if anything at all is amiss. this is just # here to make sure i remember to run clippy.sh locally myself and fix/ignore all the warnings before committing, as i # should be. clippy: stage: lint script: - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy --version - ./clippy.sh ci # CACHE CLEANUP cleanup-stable: extends: .cargo-cleanup # there's no point running cargo sweep on MSRV, since it's always at the same version (and therefore cargo sweep will # never delete anything) cleanup-nightly: extends: cleanup-stable image: "rustlang/rust:nightly" cache: key: nightly paths: - target - .cargo # BUILD BASE build-base-stable: extends: .cargo-build-base needs: ["cleanup-stable"] build-base-msrv: extends: build-base-stable image: "rust:1.57.0" cache: key: msrv paths: - target - .cargo build-base-nightly: extends: build-base-stable needs: ["cleanup-nightly"] image: "rustlang/rust:nightly" cache: key: nightly paths: - target - .cargo # BUILD build-stable: extends: .cargo-build needs: ["build-base-stable"] build-msrv: extends: build-stable needs: ["build-base-msrv"] image: "rust:1.57.0" cache: key: msrv paths: - target - .cargo build-nightly: extends: build-stable needs: ["build-base-nightly"] image: "rustlang/rust:nightly" cache: key: nightly paths: - target - .cargo # TEST test-stable: extends: .cargo-test needs: ["build-stable"] test-msrv: extends: test-stable image: "rust:1.57.0" needs: ["build-msrv"] cache: key: msrv paths: - target - .cargo test-nightly: extends: test-stable image: "rustlang/rust:nightly" needs: ["build-nightly"] cache: key: nightly paths: - target - .cargo # RELEASE # this is currently all disabled because # a) it's gross # b) it probably won't work and i really don't want to partake in CI tomfoolery right now, or ever #build-release: # stage: release # cache: { } # rules: # - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # needs: ["test-stable"] # script: # - ./package.sh # artifacts: # paths: # - out/ #upload-release: # stage: release # cache: { } # rules: # - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # image: curlimages/curl:latest # script: # - git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c 2- > tmp # - | # cd out # for _bin in *.{zip,xz} do; curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" --upload-file "$_bin" "${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/$(cat ../tmp)/${_bin}"; done # - rm ../tmp #create-release: # stage: release # cache: {} # image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest # rules: # - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # script: # - | # cd out # echo -n "release-cli create --name \"Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG\" --tag-name=\"$CI_COMMIT_TAG\" " > tmp.sh # git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c 2- > tmp # for _bin in *.{zip,xz}; do echo -n --assets-link \"\{\"name\":\"${_bin}\",\"url\":\"${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/$(cat tmp)/${_bin}\"\}\" >> tmp.sh; echo -n " " >> tmp.sh; done # - cat tmp.sh # - bash tmp.sh # - | # rm tmp.sh # rm tmp