#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Lynnesbian # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import re import subprocess import sys def test_archs(): archs = ["aarch64", "powerpc", "riscv64gc"] upto = 1 target = len(archs) for arch in archs: print(f"Testing {arch} ({upto} of {target})") subprocess\ .run(f"cross test --features=json,infer-backend --target {arch}-unknown-linux-gnu".split(" "))\ .check_returncode() upto += 1 def test_versions(): match = re.search( r'rust-version ?= ?"([\d.]+)"', open("Cargo.toml", "r").read(-1) ) if not match: print("Couldn't find rust-version") exit(1) versions = [match.group(1), "stable", "nightly"] backends = ["xdg-mime", "infer"] upto = 1 target = len(versions) * len(backends) * 2 for version in versions: for backend in backends: print(f"[{version}, {backend}] Tests ({upto} of {target})") subprocess.run(f"cargo +{version} test --features=json,{backend}-backend".split(" ")).check_returncode() upto += 1 print(f"[{version}, {backend}] Scanning imgs ({upto} of {target})") subprocess\ .run(f"cargo +{version} run --release --features=json,{backend}-backend -- imgs".split(" "))\ .check_returncode() upto += 1 def main(): done_something = False if "versions" in sys.argv: test_versions() done_something = True if "archs" in sys.argv: test_archs() done_something = True if not done_something: print("You must supply at least one of `versions` or `archs` as an argument! 0uo") sys.exit(2) print("Done! You might want to run cargo clean...") subprocess.run(["du", "-sh", "target"]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()