//! Various minor utilities. use cfg_if::cfg_if; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::String; /// The current version of fif, as defined in Cargo.toml. pub const VERSION: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); cfg_if! { if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] { /// The backend being used; either "Infer" or "XDG-Mime". pub const BACKEND: &str = "Infer"; } else { /// The backend being used; either "Infer" or "XDG-Mime". pub const BACKEND: &str = "XDG-Mime"; } } /// The version defined in Cargo.toml, prefixed with a v (e.g. "v0.3.1") pub(crate) static CLAP_VERSION: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| String::from("v") + VERSION.unwrap_or("???")); /// Similar to [`CLAP_VERSION`], followed by the chosen backend and abbreviated git commit hash in parentheses - For /// example, "v0.3.6 (XDG-Mime backend, commit #043e097)" pub static CLAP_LONG_VERSION: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { format!( "v{} ({} backend, commit #{})", VERSION.unwrap_or("???"), BACKEND, option_env!("GIT_SHA").unwrap_or("???") ) .into() }); /// Returns the name of the target operating system with proper casing, like "Windows" or "macOS". #[allow(clippy::option_map_unit_fn)] pub fn os_name() -> String { match std::env::consts::OS { // special cases: "ios" should not be capitalised into "Ios", for example "ios" => "iOS".into(), "macos" => "macOS".into(), "freebsd" => "FreeBSD".into(), "openbsd" => "OpenBSD".into(), "netbsd" => "NetBSD".into(), "vxworks" => "VxWorks".into(), os => { // generic case: return consts::OS with the first letter in uppercase ("linux" -> "Linux") let mut os_upper = String::from(os); os_upper.get_mut(0..1).map(|first| first.make_ascii_uppercase()); os_upper } } }