
63 lines
2.4 KiB

use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use crate::String;
/// The current version of fif, as defined in Cargo.toml.
pub const VERSION: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(all(unix, feature = "infer-backend"), all(not(unix), not(feature = "xdg-mime-backend"))))] {
/// The backend being used; either "Infer" or "XDG-Mime".
pub const BACKEND: &str = "Infer";
} else {
/// The backend being used; either "Infer" or "XDG-Mime".
pub const BACKEND: &str = "XDG-Mime";
// the version and long_version given to clap need to be a &str, but we want to use format!, which returns a String.
// we can't just do something like `version = format!(...).as_str()`, because clap needs to know that the version will
// live for a given lifetime, which we need to satisfy by making our String static. of course, you can't use format!
// statically, so we need to use a OnceCell or similar to get around this.
static CLAP_VERSION: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();
static CLAP_LONG_VERSION: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();
/// Sets [`CLAP_VERSION`] to be the version defined in Cargo.toml, prefixed with a v (e.g. "v0.3.1"), then returns it as
/// an str.
pub fn clap_version() -> &'static str { CLAP_VERSION.get_or_init(|| String::from("v") + VERSION.unwrap_or("???")) }
/// Sets [`CLAP_LONG_VERSION`] to be similar to [`CLAP_VERSION`], followed by the chosen backend and abbreviated git
/// commit hash in parentheses (e.g. "v0.3.6 (XDG-Mime backend, commit #043e097)"), then returns it as an str.
pub fn clap_long_version() -> &'static str {
CLAP_LONG_VERSION.get_or_init(|| {
"v{} ({} backend, commit #{})",
/// Returns the name of the target operating system with proper casing, like "Windows" or "macOS".
pub fn os_name() -> String {
match std::env::consts::OS {
// special cases: "ios" should not be capitalised into "Ios", for example
"ios" => "iOS".into(),
"macos" => "macOS".into(),
"freebsd" => "FreeBSD".into(),
"openbsd" => "OpenBSD".into(),
"netbsd" => "NetBSD".into(),
"vxworks" => "VxWorks".into(),
os => {
// generic case: return consts::OS with the first letter in uppercase ("linux" -> "Linux")
let mut os_upper = String::from(os);
os_upper.get_mut(0..1).map(|first| first.make_ascii_uppercase());