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//! [Clap] struct used to parse command line arguments.
use crate::string_type::String as StringType;
use crate::BACKEND;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use clap::{AppSettings, Clap};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::path::PathBuf;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(windows)] {
const DEFAULT_FORMAT: &str = "powershell";
} else {
const DEFAULT_FORMAT: &str = "sh";
/// The current version of fif, as defined in Cargo.toml.
pub const VERSION: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
// the version and long_version given to clap need to be a &str, but we want to use format!, which returns a String.
// we can't just do something like `version = format!(...).as_str()`, because clap needs to know that the version will
// live for a given lifetime, which we need to satisfy by making our String static. of course, you can't use format!
// statically, so we need to use a OnceCell or similar to get around this.
static CLAP_VERSION: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();
static CLAP_LONG_VERSION: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();
/// Sets [`CLAP_VERSION`] to be the version defined in Cargo.toml, prefixed with a v (e.g. "v0.3.1"), then returns it as
/// a String.
fn clap_version() -> &'static str {
.set(format!("v{}", VERSION.unwrap_or("???")))
.unwrap_or_default(); // it doesn't matter if CLAP_VERSION has already been set
/// Sets [`CLAP_LONG_VERSION`] to be similar to [`CLAP_VERSION`], followed by the chosen backend in parentheses (e.g.
/// "v0.3.1 (XDG-Mime backend)"), then returns it as a String.
fn clap_long_version() -> &'static str {
.set(format!("v{} ({} backend)", VERSION.unwrap_or("???"), BACKEND))
#[derive(Clap, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum OutputFormat {
/// A Bourne shell compatible script.
#[clap(alias = "shell", alias = "bash")]
/// A PowerShell script.
#[clap(alias = "powershell")]
/// Plain text.
/// JSON.
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
// TODO: convert this to macro style?:
#[derive(Clap, Debug)]
version = clap_version(),
long_version = clap_long_version(),
author = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS").unwrap_or("Lynnesbian"),
about = option_env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION").unwrap_or("File Info Fixer"),
before_help = "Copyright © 2021 Lynnesbian under the GPL3 (or later) License.",
before_long_help = "Copyright © 2021 Lynnesbian\n\
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify \
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 \
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.",
pub struct Parameters {
// NOTE: clap's comma-separated argument parser makes it impossible to specify extensions with commas in their name -
// `-e sil\,ly` is treated as ["sil", "ly"] rather than as ["silly"], no matter how i escape the comma (in bash,
// anyway). is this really an issue? it does technically exclude some perfectly valid extensions, but i've never seen
// a file extension with a comma in its name before.
/// Only examine files with these extensions.
/// Multiple extensions can be specified by either using the flag multiple times (`-e jpg -e png -e gif`), or by
/// separating them with commas (`-e jpg,png,gif`).
#[clap(short, long, use_delimiter = true, require_delimiter = true, value_name = "ext", validator = lowercase_exts)]
pub exts: Option<Vec<StringType>>,
/// Use these preset lists of extensions as the search filter (comma-separated list).
/// `media` includes all extensions from the `audio`, `video`, and `images` sets, making `-E media` equivalent to
/// `-E audio,video,images`.
short = 'E',
use_delimiter = true,
require_delimiter = true,
value_name = "set"
pub ext_set: Vec<ExtensionSet>,
/// Don't scan files with these extensions.
/// This option takes precedence over extensions specified with `-e` or `-E`.
#[clap(short = 'x', long, use_delimiter = true, require_delimiter = true, value_name = "ext", validator = lowercase_exts)]
pub exclude: Option<Vec<StringType>>,
/// Exclude files using a preset list of extensions.
/// This option takes precedence over extensions specified with `-e` or `-E`.
short = 'X',
use_delimiter = true,
require_delimiter = true,
value_name = "set"
pub exclude_set: Vec<ExtensionSet>,
/// Don't skip hidden files and directories.
/// Even if this flag is not present, fif will still recurse into a hidden root directory - for example, `fif
/// ~/.hidden` will recurse into `~/.hidden` regardless of whether or not -s was passed as an argument.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub scan_hidden: bool,
/// Scan files without extensions.
/// By default, fif will ignore files without extensions - for example, a jpeg file named `photo` won't be considered
/// misnamed. Supplying the -S flag will cause fif to recommend renaming this file to `photo.jpg`.
#[clap(short = 'S', long)]
pub scan_extensionless: bool,
/// Output format to use.
/// By default, fif will output a PowerShell script on Windows, and a Bourne Shell script on other platforms.
#[clap(short, long, default_value = DEFAULT_FORMAT, arg_enum, value_name = "format")]
pub output_format: OutputFormat,
/// Follow symlinks.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub follow_symlinks: bool,
/// Output verbosity. Each additional `-v` increases verbosity.
/// Can be overridden by RUST_LOG.
#[clap(short, long, parse(from_occurrences), group = "verbosity")]
pub verbose: u8,
/// Output quietness. Each additional `-q` decreases verbosity.
#[clap(short, long, parse(from_occurrences), group = "verbosity")]
pub quiet: u8,
/// The directory to process.
#[clap(name = "DIR", default_value = ".", parse(from_os_str))]
pub dir: PathBuf,
fn lowercase_exts(exts: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
// TODO: i would much rather accept uppercase exts and convert them to lowercase than just rejecting lowercase exts...
if exts.to_lowercase() != exts {
return Err(String::from("Supplied extensions must be lowercase"));
/// Further options relating to scanning.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct ScanOpts {
/// Whether hidden files and directories should be scanned.
pub hidden: bool,
/// Whether files without extensions should be scanned.
pub extensionless: bool,
/// Should symlinks be followed?
pub follow_symlinks: bool,
impl Parameters {
/// Returns an optional vec of the extensions to be scanned - i.e., extensions specified via the `-e` or `-E` flag,
/// minus the extensions excluded with the `-x` flag; i.e., the difference between the included and excluded sets.
pub fn extensions(&self) -> Option<BTreeSet<&str>> {
if let Some(included) = self.included_extensions() {
if let Some(excluded) = self.excluded_extensions() {
// return included extensions without excluded extensions
// ...maybe i should have called them "suffixes" instead of extensions...
Some(included.into_iter().filter(|ext| !excluded.contains(ext)).collect())
} else {
// no extensions excluded - just return all included
} else {
// no extensions included - return none
/// Returns an optional vec of extensions that were specified by `-e` or `-E`. Note that this doesn't account for
/// extensions excluded by the exclusion flags.
pub fn included_extensions(&self) -> Option<BTreeSet<&str>> {
let mut included = BTreeSet::new();
if let Some(exts) = self.exts.as_ref() {
// -e
included.extend(exts.iter().map(|ext| ext.as_str()));
if !&self.ext_set.is_empty() {
// -E
included.extend(self.ext_set.iter().flat_map(|set| set.extensions()));
match included {
x if x.is_empty() => None,
x => Some(x),
/// Returns an optional vec of extensions that were specified by `-x` or `-X`.
pub fn excluded_extensions(&self) -> Option<BTreeSet<&str>> {
let mut excluded = BTreeSet::new();
if let Some(exclude) = self.exclude.as_ref() {
// -x
excluded.extend(exclude.iter().map(|ext| ext.as_str()));
if !&self.exclude_set.is_empty() {
// -X
excluded.extend(self.exclude_set.iter().flat_map(|set| set.extensions()));
// excluded doesn't sound like a word anymore
// tongue twister: enter X-options' excellent extension exclusion
match excluded {
x if x.is_empty() => None,
x => Some(x),
pub const fn get_scan_opts(&self) -> ScanOpts {
ScanOpts {
hidden: self.scan_hidden,
extensionless: self.scan_extensionless,
follow_symlinks: self.follow_symlinks,
pub fn default_verbosity(&self) -> &'static str {
// match was not permitted inside const functions until 1.46
match self.quiet {
0 => {
match self.verbose {
0 => "info", // no verbosity flags specified
1 => "debug", // -v
_ => "trace", // -vv...
1 => "warn", // -q
2 => "error", // -qq
_ => "off", // -qqq...
/// Sets of extensions for use with [Parameter](crate::parameters::Parameters)'s `-E` flag.
#[derive(Clap, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ExtensionSet {
/// Extensions used for image file formats, such as `png`, `jpeg`, `webp`, etc.
/// Extensions used for audio file formats, such as `mp3`, `ogg`, `flac`, etc.
/// Extensions used for video file formats, such as `mkv`, `mp4`, `mov`, etc.
#[clap(alias = "videos")]
/// Extensions used for media file formats. This acts as a combination of the [Images](ExtensionSet::Images),
/// [Audio](ExtensionSet::Audio) and [Videos](ExtensionSet::Videos) variants.
/// Extensions used for document file formats, such as `pdf`, `odt`, `docx`, etc.
/// Extensions used for text file formats, such as `txt`, `toml`, `html`, etc.
/// Extensions used for archive file formats, such as `zip`, `zst`, `gz`, etc.
/// Extensions used for system file formats, such as `mbr`, `crash`, `dll`, etc.
impl ExtensionSet {
/// The list of known extensions for this `ExtensionSet`.
pub fn extensions(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
match self {
Self::Images => mime_guess::get_mime_extensions_str("image/*").unwrap().to_vec(),
Self::Audio => mime_guess::get_mime_extensions_str("audio/*").unwrap().to_vec(),
Self::Video => mime_guess::get_mime_extensions_str("video/*").unwrap().to_vec(),
Self::Media => [
Self::Documents => vec![
"pdf", "doc", "docx", "ppt", "pptx", "xls", "xlsx", "csv", "tsv", "odt", "ods", "odp", "oda", "rtf", "ps",
"pages", "key", "numbers",
Self::Text => [
&["js", "pl", "csh", "sh", "bash", "zsh", "fish", "bat", "php"],
// many compressed file types follow the name scheme "application/x.+compressed.*" - maybe this can be used
// somehow to extract extensions for compressed files from mime_guess?
Self::Archives => vec![
"zip", "tar", "gz", "zst", "xz", "rar", "7z", "bz", "bz2", "tgz", "rpa", "txz", "tz2", "sea", "sitx", "z",
Self::System => vec![
"com", "dll", "exe", "sys", "reg", "nt", "cpl", "msi", "efi", "bio", "rcv", "mbr", "sbf", "grub", "ko",
"dylib", "pdb", "hdmp", "crash", "cab",