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2019-09-20 07:12:17 +00:00
"ideologies": [
"left communism",
"libertarian socialism",
"right libertarianism",
"council communism",
"social corporatism",
"ecological anarchism",
"social democracy",
"individualist anarchism",
"collectivist anarchism",
"state corporatism",
"democratic confederalism",
"things": [
"wage theft",
"wage labour",
2019-09-20 07:57:14 +00:00
"the ruling class",
2019-09-20 07:12:17 +00:00
"communal ownership of the means of production",
"worker's guilds",
"intellectual property",
"personal property",
"private property",
"women's rights",
"universal basic income",
2019-09-20 07:57:14 +00:00
"free speech",
2019-09-20 07:12:17 +00:00
"open borders",
"the working class",
"dictatorship of the proletariat",
"propaganda of the deed",
"left unity",
"the state",
"climate denialism",
"the commons",
"free markets",
"industrial civilisation",
"civil rights",
2019-09-20 07:57:14 +00:00
"rational choice",
"personal freedom"
"sites": [
"templates": [
"{thing} and {thing2} are mutually exclusive",
"{ideology} provides {thing} at the expense of {thing2}",
"{thing} is dividing the left",
"{thing}. {thing2}. {thing3}. what do they have in common? {ideology}.",
"{ideolog}s hate {thing} so much and i love it",
"\"{thing} is bad\", says the fucking {ideolog}",
"if you're against {thing}, you are literally not a {ideolog}",
"{ideology} is what happens when you try to build an ideology around {thing}",
"{ideolog}s will claim to support {thing} while railing against {thing2} and it's pathetic",
"me: time to check {site}\n{site}: *incoherent rambling about {thing}*\nme: *closes tab*",
"show me one person on {site} who isn't a {ideolog}",
"someone who i've followed for months just posted the worst fucking take about {thing} so i guess i'm blocking them now",
"just wait until i start ranting about {thing}",
"i was a {ideolog} until i learned about {thing}",
"slowly realising that i might be a {ideolog}",
"fight {ideology} with {ideology2}!",
"{ideolog}s be like \"let's just solve {thing} with {thing2}\"",
"{ideology} is fundamentally incompatible with {thing}",
"you, a {ideolog}: b-but what about {thing}?\nme, genius follower of {ideology}: {thing2}.",
"if {ideology} was a pokemon it would be weak to {thing}",
"broke: solving {thing} with {ideology}\nwoke: realising {ideology} creates {thing}\nbespoke: solving {ideology} with {ideology2}",
"love too log on to {site} dot com and see {ideolog}s defending {thing}",
"{ideology}: {thing} is an unsolvable problem\n{ideolog}s, who have had {thing} sorted for years: sure thing buddy"
2019-09-20 07:12:17 +00:00