recurring: - name: Patreon description: Patreon allows you to donate a certain amount monthly, and to select pledge reward tiers. Currently, the only reward tier offered is a manually managed ebooks bot, but I strongly recommend using FediBooks (free) instead of this option. currencies: [USD] link: - name: Liberapay description: Liberapay functions similarly to Patreon, allowing you to pledge a monthly amount. Liberapay itself is open source software, and is designed with the OSS community in mind. currencies: [All] link: once: - name: Ko-Fi description: Ko-Fi allows you to make a single donation without tax. However, it only accepts donations in increments of US$3. currencies: [USD] link: - name: PayPal description: PayPal allows you to make a single donation, although it will usually be taxed. Unlike Ko-Fi, donations can be any amount, and in any of PayPal's many accepted currencies. currencies: [All] link: - name: Stellar Wallet description: Keybase provides each user with a Stellar wallet, and I use Keybase, therefore I have a Stellar wallet. I don't really use it, but if you'd like to donate using crypto for any reason (privacy, convenience, etc) feel free to do so. My federated address is lynnesbian* currencies: [Crypto] link: