#!/usr/bin/env python3 # a shitty python script to automatically add trackers to torrents in transmission import requests import json, sys cfg = { "url": "", "port": "9091", "path": "/transmission/rpc", "username": "", "password": "" } try: cfg.update(json.load(open("config.json", "r"))) except FileNotFoundError: open("config.json", "w").write("{}") rpc_path = f"http://{cfg['url']}:{cfg['port']}{cfg['path']}" def do_rpc(method: str = "session-stats", arguments = None, updating_id = 0): data = { "arguments": arguments, "method": method } r = s.post(rpc_path, json = data) if r.status_code == 409: # update headers and try again if updating_id > 5: print("Too many retries - exiting") sys.exit(1) print("Updating Transmission session ID...") s.headers.update( {'X-Transmission-Session-Id': r.headers.get('X-Transmission-Session-Id')} ) return do_rpc(method, arguments, updating_id = updating_id + 1) return r s = requests.Session() s.auth = (cfg['username'], cfg['password']) s.headers.update( { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Transmission-Session-Id': 'henlo' } ) print("Downloading tracker list...") trackers = requests.get('https://ngosang.github.io/trackerslist/trackers_best.txt').text.replace("\n\n", "\n").split() print("Checking for incomplete torrents...") targets = do_rpc("torrent-get", {"fields": ["id", "name", "status"]}).json() targets = [info['id'] for info in targets['arguments']['torrents'] if info['status'] in [3, 4]] print("Adding trackers...") x = do_rpc("torrent-set", {"ids": targets, "trackerAdd": trackers}) print("Done!")