overhauled data structures, finished "add" method

This commit is contained in:
Pecha 2020-09-09 23:20:12 +10:00
parent 6cdec74132
commit d03ccb755e
7 changed files with 123 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,20 @@ using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace creachopedia {
enum Locomotion {
None, //barnacles, plants and so on
Incher // snails et al
enum SurfaceRel {
class Creacher {
public string name {get; set;}
// public int kingdom;
@ -11,10 +25,15 @@ namespace creachopedia {
public int footsies {get { return this._footsies; } set { Console.WriteLine("What do you think you're doing?! 0uo Leave those footsies alone!!!"); }}
public string type = "simple creacher";
Locomotion locoStyle {get; set;}
SurfaceRel height {get; set;}
public Creacher(string name, int footsyCount = 4) {
public Creacher(string name, int footsyCount = 4, string biome = "land", Locomotion locoStyle = Locomotion.Walker, SurfaceRel height = SurfaceRel.At) {
this.name = name;
this._footsies = footsyCount;
this.type = $"creacher of the {biome}";
this.locoStyle = locoStyle;
this.height = height;
public void Introduce() {

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@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace creachopedia {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
var status = "base";
var substatus = 1;
var tempdict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var creacherdict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, Creacher>>(File.ReadAllText("creachopedia.json"));
// creacherdict.Add("paca", new GroundCreacher("paca", 4));
// creacherdict.Add("llama", new GroundCreacher("llama", 4));
@ -20,49 +24,120 @@ namespace creachopedia {
while (true) {
var status = "base";
Console.WriteLine("Please input a creacher name, or (q) to quit 0u0");
switch (status) {
case "base":
Console.WriteLine("Please input a creacher name, (a) to add a creacher, or (q) to quit 0u0");
case "add":
switch (substatus) {
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a name for the creacher! Or type (b) for previous category, or (q) to cancel addition entirely.");
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("How many footsies? 0u0 (numerals only plz)");
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a biome (lowercase open text field)");
case 4:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a method of locomotion:");
Console.WriteLine("[n]one, [w]alker, [s]wimmer, [h]opper, [f]lier, s[l]itherer, [i]ncher");
case 5:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your creacher's relation to the surface: [b]elow, [a]t, abo[v]e");
string userin = Console.ReadLine();
string luserin = userin.ToLower();
if(userin == "q"){
if (luserin == "q" || luserin == "quit") {
Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the CreachoPedia, please come again!!!!");
status = "quit";
if (status == "base"){
if (status == "base") {
if (creacherdict.ContainsKey(userin)) {
else if(luserin == "heenlo!" || luserin == "henlo" || luserin == "heenlo" || luserin == "henlo!"){
else if (luserin == "heenlo!" || luserin == "henlo" || luserin == "heenlo" || luserin == "henlo!") {
Console.WriteLine("Well heenlo to you too! 0u0");
else if(userin == "*pats*"){
else if (userin == "*pats*") {
Console.WriteLine("Oh! Thank you!");
else if(userin == "a"){
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new creacher! Or type (b) for previous category, or (q) to cancel addition entirely.");
status = "add";
else if (luserin == "a" || luserin == "add") {
status = "add";
else {
Console.WriteLine($"I don't know what {userin} is! What on boo Earth?!!?!?!?");
else if (status == "add") {
if (substatus == 1) {
tempdict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var namematcher = new Regex(@"[^ ].[A-Za-z\- ]{2,}(?<! )");
if (namematcher.Match(userin).Success) {
tempdict.Add("name", userin);
else {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, this name is invalid, please try again.");
else if (substatus == 2) {
if (int.TryParse(userin, out int footsiecounter)) {
tempdict.Add("footsies", userin);
if (footsiecounter >= 5) {
Console.WriteLine("That's a lot of footsies!!!! 0u0");
if (footsiecounter % 2 == 1) {
Console.WriteLine("An odd number of footsies? What a strange creacher!");
substatus ++;
else {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, this is not a number!");
else if (substatus == 3) {
tempdict.Add("biome", luserin);
substatus ++;
else if (substatus == 4) {
var locomatcher = new Regex(@"^[nwshfli]$");
if (locomatcher.Match(userin).Success) {
tempdict.Add("locomethod", userin);
else {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, this type is invalid, please try again.");
else if (substatus == 5) {
var relsurfacematcher = new Regex(@"^[abv]$");
if (relsurfacematcher.Match(luserin).Success) {
tempdict.Add("surfacerel", luserin);
substatus ++;
} else if (status == "quit") {
else {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, this surface relation did not match one of the three listed above. Please try again.");
else if (substatus == 6) {
foreach (var i in tempdict) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", i.Key, i.Value);
else {
Console.WriteLine($"I don't know what {userin} is! What on boo Earth?!!?!?!?");

note.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
name, footsycount, biome///, locomotion, surfacerel,
None, Walker, Swimmer, Hopper, Flier, Slitherer, Incher