using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.IO; namespace creachopedia { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var creacherdict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(File.ReadAllText("creachopedia.json")); // creacherdict.Add("paca", new GroundCreacher("paca", 4)); // creacherdict.Add("llama", new GroundCreacher("llama", 4)); // creacherdict.Add("stingray", new WaterCreacher("stingray", 0)); // var jsonsettings = new JsonSerializerSettings{ // TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto // }; // string jsonstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(creacherdict, Formatting.Indented, jsonsettings); // File.WriteAllText("creachopedia.json", jsonstring); while (true) { var status = "base"; Console.WriteLine("Please input a creacher name, or (q) to quit 0u0"); string userin = Console.ReadLine(); string luserin = userin.ToLower(); if(userin == "q"){ Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the CreachoPedia, please come again!!!!"); status = "quit"; } if (status == "base"){ if (creacherdict.ContainsKey(userin)) { creacherdict[userin].Introduce(); creacherdict[userin].Step(); } else if(luserin == "heenlo!" || luserin == "henlo" || luserin == "heenlo" || luserin == "henlo!"){ Console.WriteLine("Well heenlo to you too! 0u0"); } else if(userin == "*pats*"){ Console.WriteLine("Oh! Thank you!"); } else if(userin == "a"){ Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new creacher! Or type (b) for previous category, or (q) to cancel addition entirely."); status = "add"; } } else if (status == "add") { } else if (status == "quit") { return; } else { Console.WriteLine($"I don't know what {userin} is! What on boo Earth?!!?!?!?"); } Console.WriteLine(""); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } } }