
1.3 KiB


Build Status

A webapp for categorising, sharing and searching documents. Not at all ready for production in its current state.


You need the ASP.NET Core Runtime to run Snootalogue - the .NET Core Runtime on its own is not enough. The .NET 3.1 download page provides links to the installers you'll need. Note that no binaries are currently provided, so you'll need to build Snootalogue yourself (see the Developing section below).


Visual Studio Code provides great C# integration. Ensure you've installed the .NET Core SDK (not just the runtime) and the Visual Studio Code C# Extension, and you'll be good to go.


Snootalogue runs on port 5000, so make sure you don't have anything currently using that port.

git clone
cd Snootalogue
if ! which dotnet-ef; then dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef; fi
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run