m4a support

This commit is contained in:
Lynne Megido 2020-10-17 21:02:52 +10:00
parent 7cb6545096
commit f78c8d7c78
Signed by: lynnesbian
GPG Key ID: F0A184B5213D9F90

View File

@ -17,10 +17,15 @@ from zipfile import ZipFile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict
# pycharm tells me some of these classes shouldn't be imported because they're not declared in __all__.
# however, the mutagen docs show example code where someone creates a mutagen.flac.Picture by referring to it as
# Picture(), implying that they had imported mutagen.flac.Picture, and therefore i'm right and the computer is WRONG
# https://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/flac.html#mutagen.Picture.data
import mutagen
from mutagen.flac import Picture, FLAC
from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.mp4 import MP4, MP4Cover
from mutagen.id3 import APIC, PictureType
from PIL import Image
@ -32,7 +37,14 @@ vorbis_to_id3: Dict[str, str] = {
"album": "TALB",
"album_artist": "TPE2"
fully_supported: List[str] = ["ogg", "flac", "mp3"]
vorbis_to_itunes: Dict[str, str] = {
"track": 'trkn',
"artist": '\xa9ART',
"title": '\xa9nam',
"album": '\xa9alb',
"album_artist": 'aART'
fully_supported: List[str] = ["ogg", "flac", "mp3", "m4a"]
MutagenFile = Union[MP3, FLAC, OggVorbis, mutagen.FileType]
def log(message: str, importance: int = 0):
@ -43,16 +55,34 @@ def die(message: str, code: int = 1):
def get_tag(mut_song: MutagenFile, tag: str, allow_list: bool = False, allow_sanitising: bool = True) -> str:
def get_tag(mut_song: MutagenFile, tag: str, allow_list: bool = False, allow_sanitising: bool = True)\
-> Union[str, List[str]]:
if isinstance(mut_song, MP3):
tag = vorbis_to_id3[tag]
tag_list = [str(x) for x in mut_song.tags.getall(tag)]
tag_list = mut_song.tags.getall(tag)
elif isinstance(mut_song, MP4):
# every tag in the MP4 file (from what i can tell) is a list
# this includes the track number tag, which is a list, containing a single tuple, containing two ints (track, total)
# unless we account for this, tag_list will be set to [(1, 5)], and then converted to a string, resulting in
# ['(1, 5)'], which (if not allow_list) will be returned as '(1, 5)', which is not exactly helpful.
tag = vorbis_to_itunes[tag]
if tag == 'trkn':
# mut_song[tag] == [(1, 5)]
# mut_song[tag][0] == (1, 5)
tag_list = mut_song[tag][0]
tag_list = mut_song[tag]
if tag == "track":
tag = "tracknumber"
tag = tag.replace("_", "")
tag_list = mut_song[tag] if isinstance(mut_song[tag], list) else [mut_song[tag]]
# convert the list of strings/ID3 frames/ints/whatevers to strings
tag_list = list(map(str, tag_list))
# sanitise everything
if allow_sanitising:
tag_list = [sanitise(tag) for tag in tag_list]
@ -76,7 +106,10 @@ def has_cover(mut_song: MutagenFile):
return True
return False
return False
if isinstance(mut_song, MP4):
return 'covr' in mut_song and len(mut_song['covr']) != 0
raise NotImplementedError("Song format not yet implemented.")
def sanitise(in_str: str) -> str:
if args.sanitise:
@ -88,7 +121,7 @@ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s zip [options]',
description="Extracts the given zip file downloaded from Bandcamp and organises it.",
epilog=f"Cover art can only be embedded in files of the following types: {', '.join(fully_supported).upper()}.\nIf "
"the music is in any other format, %(prog)s will behave as though you passed the flag '-c n'.")
"the song is in any other format, %(prog)s will behave as though you passed '-c n', but will otherwise work normally.")
parser.add_argument('zip', help='The zip file to use.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--add-cover-images', dest='process_cover', default='w', choices=['n', 'a', 'w'],
help="When to embed cover art into songs.\nOptions: [n]ever, [a]lways, [w]hen necessary.\nDefault: %(default)s")
@ -166,6 +199,18 @@ if args.process_cover != 'n':
data = cover_file.read()
with Image.open(temp_cover) as image:
# it's really strange that the more annoying the file's metadata is, the *less* annoying it is to create cover art
# for it in mutagen.
# vorbis: open standard, so easy to use that mutagen supplies a bunch of "easy" wrappers around other formats to
# make them work more like mutagen.
# cover-annoy-o-meter: high. mutagen requires you to specify the width, height, colour depth, etc etc
# id3: well documented, but rather cryptic (which is more understandable, "album_artist" or "TPE2").
# cover-annoy-o-meter: not bad at all - at least you get a constructor this time - although it is kinda annoying
# that you have to specify the file encoding, and how you need both a type and a desc.
# m4a: scarce documentation, closed format, half reverse engineered from whatever itunes is doing, exists pretty
# much exclusively in the realm of apple stuff.
# cover-annoy-o-meter: all you need is the file data and the format type.
if song_format in ["ogg", "flac"]:
# i hate this
embed_cover = Picture()
@ -199,6 +244,11 @@ if args.process_cover != 'n':
elif song_format == "m4a":
embed_cover = MP4Cover(
artists: List[str] = []
album: Optional[str] = None
@ -228,6 +278,8 @@ for song in song_names:
elif song_format == "mp3":
elif song_format == "m4a":
m['covr'] = [embed_cover]