--- title: Home --- {% include h.html level=1 content="Lynnesbian dot Space" %}

Welcome to my website, where I write about and catalogue things that are interesting to me, and maybe even to you, too!

{% include h.html level=2 content="About me" %}

I'm Lynne. My interests include creating free software, playing story-driven games, photography, and writing.

Most of what I do with computers is about helping people, whether that's through writing simple scripts to automate things or writing software to make things more accessible.

I got into computers from a young age, and would spend more time playing around with the control panel on my parent's Windows 2000 machine than actually playing games on it. I played a lot of LittleBigPlanet, trying to make complex contraptions and logic machines to accomplish tasks within the game.

While making games and tools was (and is) enjoyable to me, what I want to do most is create software that helps people - I find it by far my greatest motivator.

{% include h.html level=3 content="Some examples" %}

I've made a lot of software to help my wife Petra, but much of it is too specific to her needs to be useful on a greater scale, with perhaps a few exceptions, such as Buypeeb, a simple program for tracking prices on Buyee auctions.

I've also written some more widely applicable software, such as OCRbot, a tool for automatically transcribing the text content of image posts on the Fediverse, and bcao, a small script for organising music from the .zip files provided by Bandcamp into the user's music directory.